Factory dampers should be checked after 50,000 miles to see if they need to be replaced. Whenever working on suspension components you should keep one side completely assembled as a reference.
Jack up the front of the car and place it on jack stands.
Use an impact wrench or tire iron to remove the five 19 mm lug nuts from the front wheel.
Pull the front wheel off the wheel lugs and set it aside.
Grab the front edge of the bracket with a pair of locking pliers.
Remove the 12 mm bolt that holds the bracket in place with a socket wrench.
Place a tie rod end puller over the exposed threads of the tie rod end and turn the puller with a socket wrench to push the tie rod end out of the steering knuckle.
Remove the bottom two nuts with a breaker bar or long wrench.
Place a breaker bar over the gold nut on the bottom of the control arm.
Place an 18 mm box end wrench over the bolt on top of the control arm.
Turn the breaker bar and the wrench in their respective counterclockwise directions to loosen and remove the third ball joint-to-control arm bolt.
Place a jack underneath the ball joint to support it once you remove the 3 ball joint-to-control arm bolts.
Open the hood and locate the three strut mounting bolts on the strut tower.
Make an alignment mark on the shoe at the dimple in the top of the strut tower before removing the mounting nuts.
Use a ratcheting socket wrench or impact wrench with a 13 mm deep socket to remove the three nuts.
Place spring compressors on opposite sides of the spring.
Alternate tightening the spring compressors evenly until you are able to move the entire spring up and down.
Use an impact wrench to remove the 24 mm nut at the top of the strut assembly.
Remove the strut mount from the strut assembly.
Remove the upper spring seat and pull the spring off the strut assembly.
If you are installing new springs you will need to remove the spring compressors. Loosen each spring compressor evenly, alternating from side to side until they are off the spring completely.
Use a large adjustable wrench or pair of groove joint pliers to remove the strut gland nut.
To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.
10 Kommentare
This is so helpful. When I did this for the first time a while back, it took me and a buddy almost 9 hours to complete it. Now that I'm changing the other side, I decided to see if there were any guides online and WOW THIS IS SO HELPFUL. YOU ARE AMAZING FOR DOING THIS!!!
You note years 86-93. I have an 84 244 Turbo that I want to swap front strut assembly from 90 240. Will this work?
Just finished putting new struts and springs on 1990 Volvo 240 wagon. Your pictures and details were very helpful. It would be great if the breaklines could be removed from the strut boot.
We might need to re-arrange this.
we jacked the car up and then cheated and used a impact gun
if you don't have an impact gun you'll have to do it on the ground
Scott Dingle -