You should change your transfer case oil once every 75,000 miles, or sooner if it appears dirty. Be sure to dispose of your used oil at an automotive parts store or at any automotive oil recycling center.
Due to limited resources, the transfer case oil was not actually changed for this guide.
Locate the transfer case in the center of the undercarriage of your Dodge. Position yourself under the drivers side seat and look upwards toward the front left tire.
Locate the fill plug on the transfer case. and remove it using the 10 mm hex driver. The fill plug is the upper steel plug just to the left of the rear output of the transfer case.
Set the drain pan underneath the transfer case. Make sure that the drain pan has enough room for about 2 quarts of oil.
Locate the drain plug just left and under the filler plug.
While applying pressure towards the front of the car unscrew the drain plug with the 10mm Hex. Once you feel that the Plug is fully unthreaded quickly pull the plug away allowing the oil to drain.
Tighten the drain plug using the 10mm hex.
Fill the transfer case with the ATF oil using the vacuum oil pump. When the case is full, oil will begin dripping out of the fill hole.
Insert and tighten the filler plug using the 10 mm hex.
To dispose of your used transfer case oil, take the oil drain pan to an automotive parts store. Most automotive parts stores have a recycling program for used oil. Do not dump your oil down any drains or sinks.
7 Kommentare
If i put to much oil in it will it hurt the transfer case?
No, not unless you go crazy with overfilling it. Say you put in an extra pint or so... No harm will be done. Truthfully, it's pretty difficult to severely overfill a transfer case since the filler/oil level hole is located in the side of the casing. Worst it could do is blow some oil out of the breather (vent) tube that's located at/near the top of the transfer case. When refilling your transfer case, be sure to use ATF that is Dexron II, Dexron III, or Dexron IV. I believe the actual recommended spec is to use Dexron III. Another thing to note is that some guys like to use a full synthetic of 75W-90 gear oil. Although not recommended by Chrysler/Dodge, it has been reported to work fine with no complications. Personally, I use Dexron III.
This transmission uses ATF+4 you cannot put Dexron III in it.
bigtop69 -
Im having issues with a yellow fluid leaking from the rear of my 2012 1500 dodge ram. Its a pretty clean looking fluid with no metal or dirt in it..No active leaks that I can spot to narrow it down though..All engine fluids, transmission, radiator, etc fluid are fine and are not the same color..Could transfer case or rear differential fluid be that color?
Terry -
Probably diff fluid. Does it smell kinda like the worst smell you've ever smelled?