
It's recommended that you change your spark plugs every 30,000 miles.

  1. NSjYhEA23iAKNwmh
    • Locate the hood latch beside the driver's side door, right next to the left foot rest.

    I change my oil every 5.000 miles like clockwork I did a compression test a few weeks ago and it's only lost about 2% of it compression and done 160.000 miles so well worth it

    Graham Wells -

  2. YIuxlPgwiJUSChbd
    • Pull the latch toward you to release the hood.

  3. ybu3ZsR2KjnojtMl
    • Walk around to the front of the vehicle.

    • Slide your hand under the hood, directly above the Honda emblem. Locate and pull the hood tab to unlock the hood.

    • Once the tab is released, lift the hood up.

  4. bk3mU1myDjWAa1p4
    • Use your left hand to hold the hood up. Locate the hood stand and pull it out of the clip.

  5. LnPagmD6xDNhLhXl
    • Place the tip of the hood stand into the hole located in the upper left of the hood.

    • Let the hood rest on the stand.

    • Use a 10 mm hex driver or socket to remove the four screws that hold the spark plug cover in place.

    • Lift the plastic cover and set it aside.

    You may need to use a wrench if your screws get separated from the bottom part under the spark plug cover.

    Craig Mendonca -

  7. SvxYbHi2slX2VKVB
    • Remove the spark plug wire by pinching the locking tabs on either side of it and pulling it out.

  8. qETLjQgXMrDxjUke
    • Use a 10 mm hex driver or socket to remove the four spark plug boot screws.

  9. sfFDjjnOcJcsSxrh
    • Lift the boot screws out of the spark plug bores.

  10. Akju3cd2Dk645ZLC
    • Locate the spark plug at the bottom of the bore.

    • Use a ratchet, extension, and 5/8 inch socket to remove the plug by turning counterclockwise until it's free.

    what length of socket extension needed for 2005 honda accord

    Parimal -

    Place duct tape on the inside of socket if the spark plug isn’t held when trying to pull it up. Also, tape the socket to the socket extension to ensure that it doesn’t fall into the bore.

    Craig Mendonca -

  11. EsjKcEsNLxdoH3HH
    • Pull the plug out of the bore.

    Référence de la bougie svp


  12. VblCuRRkKWGuSNBc
    • Determine if the spark plug needs to be replaced by examining the gap for the problems listed below:

    • The gap is bridged by corrosion.

    • The gap is too large.

    • The area around the gap is black and dark.

  13. FCx6TfX2KOQ14BTn
    • If the spark plug doesn't need to be replaced, return it to the spark plug bore. If it does need to be replaced, use a new one.

    • Use of Anti-Seize on the thread of spark plug is highly recommended to ensure threads don't get damaged while tightening.

    • Use a ratchet, extension, and 5/8 inch socket to tighten the spark plug by turning clockwise. Use your hand to tighten as well.

    • If a torque wrench is available, tighten to 13 ft-lbs.

    • Repeat Steps 10-13 for the three remaining spark plugs.

    Can I tighten the spark plug properly without a torque wrench?

    Parimal -

    You can get a torque wrench at Harbor freight for less than $20 and if you are a do-it-yourself person you will need this for every mechanical job you do. Lawn equipment,automobiles , or anything that uses machined parts you will always need a torque wrench. They will last a lifetime if you clean it and zero it after every job.

    Bob Wilson -

    Denso specifically states in their spark plug manual that thread lubricant should not be used due to potential overtightening resulting to seal leakage.

    Erno Pentzin -


After reinstalling all four spark plugs, follow Steps 3-9 in reverse order to reattach the spark plug cover and close the car's hood.

Shaun MacDonald

Mitglied seit: 03/10/12

2438 Reputation

6 Kommentare

Great instructions! I was able to change them pretty quickly.


First rule of thumb when changing spark plugs is to do it when the engine is cold. If you don't have a torque wrench it's ok, you can still tighten them properly. Easiest thing to do is put the new plug in the spark plug socket, attach the extension (8 or 10 in. is perfect) but not the ratchet. Thread the plug in until it is snug, then attach the ratchet to tighten. Most spark plug manufacturers put on the box (especially NGK) how much to tighten. Usually if the plug has no gasket, tighten 1/16 to 1/8 of a turn. If it has a gasket, tighten 1/2 to 2/3 of a turn. For an '05 Accord 4 cyl. they have a gasket.

wingmaneh -

Thanks for the clear instructions & photos!

Steve T -

I appreciate the thorough and precise instructions. I would add using anti-seize on new plug threads.

ssnider727 -

On an '05 Accord, are there any wires that need to be replaced at a regular interval?

Ryan Roux -

All Done With Absolutely No

Clyde Dobbins -