
Here it is o'dark thirty and mother in law got pulled over by the local sheriff for a broken indicator. Nice Guy, let her off with a warning. She wants it changed NOW. The large tail light assemblies on the Aveo contains the brake and parking lights, turn signal and the back up lights.

  1. 34AgOLexIBTMMVpu
    • Here is a view of the left tail light assembly

    • Open the rear hatch,( or trunk if it is a sedan). On the inside of the assembly are two retaining screws. Remove those

    • both screws are #6x3/4 inch

  2. QCEvQSG1gcCXRFg1
    • Here is a view of the assembly with the screws removed.

    • Insert some sort of prying tool between the tail light assembly and the body, just below the crease in the body and pry to the rear of the vehicle. a snap will be felt/heard as the plastic stud releases

    • Move the prying tool to above 1 1/2 inch above the bottom of the assembly. Insert it between the assembly and body and gently pry toward the rear of the vehicle. This should free the second stud.

  3. XVoLZOjUHacaNvNd
    • Now just pull the assembly straight back.

    • Avoid pulling the assembly to one side or another, that can snap the plastic studs

    • Locate the burned out bulb. In this case it was the indicator light. Rotate the bulb sockets in a counterclockwise direction.

    • Pull the sockets straight out of the tail light assembly.


To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.


Mitglied seit: 29/09/10

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2 Kommentare

Awesome guide!

Taylor Arnicar -

This was a great help thank you!!

Jeffrey Blum -