Every 30k miles, do a plain vanilla drain and fill. The steps in this guide are not for a vanilla drain and fill.
Every 80k miles, do a full flush as shown in this guide.
V6 Engines: Use this video. Loosen 11/16" bolt with "ATF" printed on it. Use a 10" socket extension. This allows air into the transmission as the fluid drains out later.
Remove fill plug washer, which may be just sitting on the transmission case. Do not drop the washer into the transmission or your car must be towed!
V4 and I4 Engines: Use this video. Remove the Transmission Fluid Dipstick. This allows air into the transmission as the fluid drains out later.
Open drain plug with a 3/8" socket drive
When mostly drained, fluid flow will decrease to a dribble. Wait until fluid has drained to unscrew the drain plug all the way and remove it.
Wipe metal filings and any fluid off the drain plug. Replace the drain plug and tighten to hand-tight.
Replace drain plug and tighten to finger tight.
Fill transmission from fill plug (or dipstick). Use 2.5 quarts of Honda DW-1 Automatic Transmission Fluid. Use a funnel and pour carefully to not spill fluid.
Replace fill plug (or dipstick).
Wait 15 minutes, then check transmission fluid level. This allows fluid to enter all the corners of the transmission. If needed, add last 0.5 quarts of fluid.
Drive the car and make sure to reach all gears. This should be about freeway speed.
Loosen the fill plug (or dipstick)
Replace drain plug following previous instructions.
Refill transmission with a funnel and 2.5 quarts of the same fluid as before.
Replace fill plug (or dipstick). Wait 15 minutes. Check transmission fluid level. Add last 0.5 quarts if needed.
Drive the car and make sure to reach all gears. This should be about freeway speed.
Loosen the fill plug (or dipstick).
Place a new crush washer on drain plug. Tighten the drain plug using a Torque Wrench to 36 ft-lb of torque.
Refill with a funnel and 3 quarts of the same fluid as before.
Replace fill plug (or dipstick).
Wait 15 minutes.
Check transmission fluid level. Top off transmission fluid if needed.
One day after the flush, inspect the transmission for signs of fluid leaking.
Check transmission fluid level. Add transmission fluid if the fluid level is a little low, using a funnel. When checking fluid level, engine and transmission should be up to normal temperature, which is reached after about 5 minutes of driving
Two days after the flush, inspect transmission again for signs of fluid leaking.
Drain, add 2.5 quarts, run through all gears.
Drain, add 2.5 quarts, run through all gears.
Drain, replace crush washer, add 3 quarts.
(Top off fluid the next day if needed.)
5 Kommentare
At what step would you replace the filter?
Where are they getting their information? Honda does not follow this. https://techinfo.honda.com/rjanisis/pubs...
Charles -