Is your laptop overheating or staying on for a few minutes and then powering itself down? Your CPU Fan may be to blame. This guide will show you how to replace it.
Place the pointed end of a spudger into the battery lock and slide it to the left until you hear the battery release.
Move around the edge with metal spudger and carefully pry apart the clips holding the keyboard in place.
Carefully detach the three ZIF ribbons connected to the motherboard by flipping up the white hinge.
Lift up on the keyboard and the whole top should come right off, including the touchpad.
Locate the two antenna cables shown.
Using a plastic opening tool, remove both antenna cables from the WiFi card by gently prying them up.
Remove this 3 mm Phillips #0 screw and the WiFi card should pop up.
Gently lift WiFi card off of the motherboard.
Remove both of these 6 mm Phillips #1 screws which hold the fan onto the case.
Now carefully lift the fan straight up and out of its place in the case.
To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.