
Verwende diese Anleitung, um den Akku deines Amazon Fire Phone zu ersetzen.

    • Wenn das Display beschädigt ist, verwende ein durchsichtiges Klebeband, um Glasscherben aufzunehmen.

    • Achte darauf, dass die gesamte Oberfläche des Displays mit Klebeband bedeckt ist.

    • Verwende eine Schutzbrille, um deine Augen zu schützen!

    • Schalte dein Gerät aus.

    • Entferne die SIM-Karte von der linken Seite des Gerätes, indem du mit dem SIM-Auswurfwerkzeug in das kleine Loch neben dem SIM-Schacht drückst.

    • Entferne die zwei 4mm Torx T3 Schrauben, am unteren Rand des Gerätes.

  3. cgQU2VXhJXDoo1M1
    • Drücke den kleinen Saugnapf auf das Display direkt über dem Home Button.

    • Während du am Saugnapf nach oben ziehst, stecke ein Pick zwischen den Bildschirm und dem hinteren Gehäuse, um den Bildschirm vorsichtig abzuhebeln.

    • Trenne die beiden Hälften vorsichtig voneinander, um ein Abreißen des Flachbandkabels der Lautstärkewippe zu vermeiden.

    • Entferne mit einem Öffnungswerkzeug das Flachbandkabel der Lautstärkewippe von der Unterseite des Smartphones, um die beiden Hälften voneinander zu lösen.

  4. ZjNcPUvTNmvFDFcj
    • Entferne mithilfe des J000-Schraubendreherkopfs die drei 3 mm Schrauben, mit denen die Halterung befestigt ist.

    • Entferne die silberne Halterung, die von den drei Schrauben gehalten wurde, die du gerade entfernt hast.

    I kind of like the way the battery just “disappears” between step 5 and 6; mine was glued in with a REALLY good quality adhesive tape that took some chiseling to get free; happily, the battery didn’t explode, hopefully it will still work.

    vincentfasano -

  5. xEmcKGWBbnkvFyM4
    • Trenne das Akkuanschlusskabel, indem du ein Plastiköffnungswerkzeug verwendest und damit leichten Druck nach oben auf das Kabel ausübst.

    Single hardest step, removing this battery takes both time and the jaws of life, it has an adhesive strip that will nearly RIP the battery or motherboard of the phone part, just keep careful while your at it, both mine and my wifes survived the tearing of this battery out, iv never been so sure I was breaking something while removing the battery but they went back together very easily once the devil adhesive let the battery go. This battery the the differential between a 1star difficulty and the 5star difficulty.

    Isaaru Narom -


Befolge diese Anleitung in umgekehrter Reihenfolge, um das Gerät wieder zusammenzusetzen.

Lissandra Ilcyn

Mitglied seit: 05/10/15

820 Reputation

13 Kommentare

Tolle Anleitung DANKE!!

Leo Henn -

The replacement went exactly as presented. My stock battery had pull tabs to release the adhesive, making removal very easy. Thanks for a clear step-by-step guide.

John -

How to bay amazone fire fone battry in pakistan

Manzoor Khan -

where can i get fire phone battery in india

Shiva Sai -

where can i get fire phone battery in UAE Abu Dhabi. It's urgent..

Asheesh Barna -

IS IT POSSIBLE TO GET Amazon Fire Phone, 32GB 4G LTE, Battery ?

Zaheer -

here in UAE i want battery fo my Amazon Fire Phone, 32GB 4G LTE,

Zaheer -

These instructions were extremely helpful - even essential. One additional item: it would have been reassuring to caution that the original battery is (or at least was, on my model) tightly bound by adhesive lining the whole underside of the battery. I was very nervous getting the battery out. Removing it required working a thin screwdriver underneath the long lip of the battery, and working it back and forth to stretch and cut the adhesive free. When putting the new battery in its place, I made some two-sided sticky loops from packing tape to hold the new battery in place, in case it might have a tedency to shift around and rattle slightly.

gjyaffe -

thx for these instructions. my firephone 64mb was rebooting again and again with white amazon logo. thougt my data was lost forever. tried this here with akku changing and voila …

but the part with getting off the - taped - akku itself out of the case was very difficult using a screwdriver and a knife. also causing a electrical short (smoke appearing)

within the akku.

FPhoneuser -

Big problem - disconnect the battery lead, and you are Not at Conclusion.

The battery is so tightly secured with adhesive, there is no way to know that there are not other fasteners holding it in place.I

The battery literally must be destroyed to remove it.

That is a major and frustrating omission.

Brian Carter -

when i try to charge my cell its blink charging icon again and again but the end of the day it was not charged

Tanzeel arts -

I lost my fire phone's silver bracket , please any expert tell me is there any problem occurred if I assemble phone without it??

Discover With Me -

Where can i get the battery in zambia

Mandala Hankalu -