This guide will show the user how to remove and replace the battery on the Apex TM772.
Begin by inserting the plastic opening tool into the seam between the back and front of the case and carefully pry the back from the front.
The back panel should now be disconnected from the device. This provides access to the components of the device for repairing and replacing parts of the tablet.
Using tweezers or your fingers, remove the yellow tape from the battery.
Using a plastic card or nylon tool, carefully separate battery from case by sliding the tool under battery to loosen adhesive.
To remove battery, Locate the soldering points where the three wires are connected. Desolder these attachments from the motherboard.
Solder the wire connection of the red wire to the positive (+) position on the left
Solder the wire connection of the yellow wire to the center position that is slightly above the positive (+) and the negative (-) positions. This is the ground.
Solder the wire connection of the black wire to the negative (-) position on the right.
To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.