
This guide will show you how to remove the hard drive on an Asus X540S notebook.

    • Open the Optical Drive to allow removal of keyboard before powering down computer.

  1. UhiGquLNZuoQjAsa
    • Remove the two 15mm Philips #1 screws.

    • Remove the two 12mm Philips #1 screws.

    • Remove the six 9mm Philips #1 screws.

  2. wtrNFkvPbHRWFEwS
    • Lift the side of the top.

    • Remove the keyboard cable.

    • Remove the trackpad cable.

    • Lift the release tabs on the keyboard/trackpad connectors

    When removing both cables there is a small black plastic flap covering the connection.

    GENTLY lift that flap and GENTLY lift the end of the cable/ribbon and you're good to go.

    My first try I was under the impression it was more of a plug and didn't see any specifics just like above “remove cable” but no description of how.

    Even though I did it wrong, it didn't damage anything, and this guide was a big help.

    F S -

    Added a note. Thanks for the comment!

    Padraic Hoselton -

    While lifting the lid, it's useful to have a spudger to detach the snaps from the top

    Emily Klassen -

  3. WJRDswfvF6wmereU
    • Remove the one Philips #1 screw.

    • Slide the hard drive out.

  4. 5CGqKevStlGj22Yh
    • Remove the four Philips #1 screws.

    Wanted to add:

    Must open dvd drawer first to pull up on top housing

    Can only spudge after pulling up on top above DVD opening - stiff expired credit card works good

    No hidden screws, the ones on the bottom are it

    Only 2 ribbon cables, keyboard and touchpad

    Ribbon cables are short, keeping plastic clamps secured on them tricky when reassembling

    Very helpful guide, thank you :)

    Avery Freeman -


To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.

Padraic Hoselton

Mitglied seit: 23/08/17

4039 Reputation

7 Kommentare

Looks simple enough Padraic. Thanks. Does a new install of win10 come already copied in a new HDD? Would this replacement be and different if I used a digital drive? (My old hd failed and I have no system).

sludge -

After installing an OEM replacement HDD in my x540, I bought a flash drive on Amazon for$10 that rebooted my Windows 10 and it's working like a brand new machine.

I believe the product key for windows 10 is embedded in motherboard.

F S -

After installing an OEM replacement HDD in my x540, I bought a flash drive on Amazon for$10 that rebooted my Windows 10 and it's working like a brand new machine.

I believe the product key for windows 10 is embedded in motherboard.

F S -

Hi … How can a flashdrive reboot a Win10 on a new SDD /HDD ? A Windows flash drive contains a Win10 bootable ISO ?

On Amazon, I found flash drives with a product key but I don’t know where the new installation can be done from if there is no ISO on it …

(I have a x540 with a dead HDD …)

gnogno35 -

And thank you Padraic

F S -

No problem!

I will add a note to the keyboard and trackpad on step 2

Padraic Hoselton -

@paperboypaddy what hard drive did you use and what brand? Mine just bit the dust.

Erica O -