
Die Fernbedienung an meinem Subaru arbeitete nicht mehr gut, deswegen entschied ich mich die enthaltene Baterie zu ersetzen.

Diese Prozedur ist recht einfach und kann auf die Fernbedienungen vieler anderer Hersteller angewandt werden.

  1. EqQ5rIEdpZiFDUVJ
    • Entferne die einzelne Kreuzschlitz PH1 Schraube auf der Rückseite des Schlüssels.

    • Die zwei Plastikhälften sollten sich trennen lassen und geben den Sender frei. Hole ihn heraus.

  2. Zghx1RXZIExHC4lF
    • Vier Klammern halten den Sender zusammen.

    • Beginne an der kleinsten Klammer. Schiebe das flache Ende eines Spudgers zwischen das schwarze und weiße Plastikteil um sie zu lösen.

    • Drehe den Sender um und wiederhole dasselbe an der nächsten Klammer, wobei du aufpasst, dass die vorige nicht wieder einschnappt. Wiederhole dies für alle Klammern.

    • Wenn alle geöffnet sind trenne das weiße Plastikteil vom Rest.

  3. bCnwTToxGetcdZAR
    • Hier wird eine Batterie des Typs CR1620 verwendet. Sie ist mit den Kontakten festgeklemmt. Benutze das spitze Ende des Spudgers, um sie zu lösen.

    • Setze die neue Batterie ein, achte darauf, dass sie richtig festgeklemmt ist.

    YMMV, because the battery I had to replace was not a CR2025, but a CR1620. Seems like I'm not the only one :)

    David Robillard -

  4. qAYpcMPi1oweQVjQ
    • Wenn du willst kannst du noch den Schmutz mit der Spitze des Spudgers entfernen.

    • Setze dann den Sender wieder ein, passe dabei auf, dass alle Stifte in die richtigen Löcher greifen.

    • Füge die zwei Hälften des Schlüssels wieder zusammen. Fange dazu gegenüber des Schlüssels an und fahre fort, bis er wieder in seinem ursprünglichen Zustand ist.

    • Vergiss nicht die Schraube!

    I found a 1616 battery in my "collection" followed the authors directions using micro screw driver for a spludger and the key fob for my 2006 Honda CR-V is again working. I shall buy a couple (or more 1616 batteries tomorrow. Thanks to the author for these instructions.

    Charles Stokes -

    Ok I changed the battery but it wont work unless I put in a pin code whilst the key is in the ignition help

    cath -


Um das Gerät wieder zusammenzusetzen, folge den Schritten in umgekehrter Reihenfolge

Miroslav Djuric

156735 Reputation

19 Kommentare

All fine and good, except the identical looking key fob from my 2010 Outback uses a CR1620 battery. So much for the CR2025s I bought!

janetsutton -

Nice, clear description of the process (which is very simple). My 2010 Outback also uses the CR1620 battery, not the CR2025 the instructions say. I would recommend disassembling your key fob and taking the old battery to the store to compare. You can still drive with the disassembled key fob; you just have to lock/unlock the door manually.

Mark Ray -

Great instructions! However, just like Mark and Janet, my 2010 Legacy keys had a CR1620 battery. Also, there were 4 plastic clips on step 2. Thanks for the guide!

Steve Osgood -

Apparently the instructions have been updated since the above comments, because they now call for the CR1620, which is what I bought, and they work perfectly!

The instructions and photos are very clear, easy to follow, and accurate. I was very pleased to find this site and realize that for about 15 bucks total I could replace the batteries in both our 2010 Outback keys - I had imagined we'd have to get new keys or at the least take them to the dealer for a highly pricey replacement. Thanks, ifixit!!

Gurukarm Khalsa -

Question, I replaced mine but it still doesn't work. do I need to reset the system?

Jessica Fraley -

According to another web page on this topic, it reads: "After the battery is replaced, the transmitter must be synchronized with the remote keyless entry system’s control unit. Press either the LOCK or UNLOCK button six times to synchronize the unit."

12amrider -

Thanks, this worked perfectly for me. No synchronizing needed, maybe because the battery was only out for a few minutes.

Nan Galbraith -

I replaced the battery in the 2012 Outback key but now the car won't do anything. its as if i triggered some system lock up and nothing works even with another key fob. what now?

Randy Dennis -

Did u get your key working, if yes how?

Leesa Scanes -

My screw immediately stripped and I could not use a screwdriver. Must have been a really cheap screw. I had to carefully drill the head off. Then I cut away some of the plastic holding the key so I could use a needlenose to turn the remaining screw part out. I replaced the battery and found a replacement screw that fit from an old laptop casing.

Steve Dodell -

Great write up except I have the push start/keyless start on my 2015 WRX and not this key.

Paul Cahill -

I ordered the tools suggested above, and the Phillips screwdriver is too big for my Honda CR-V 2010 key.

Kathryn McNulty -

Hi There,

I replaced the battery and now the FOB won’t do anything. When I unlock the door manually the alarm goes sounds until I put the key in the ignition and turn to the on position.

mtd0809 -

I have a 2007 Aveo and my car fob does not have 4 clips.' Do not know how to take the battery out.

sherie931 -

Not for 2017 Honda

steverdunn -

I found my battery online at


Was able to replace my Lexus Key fob with a 1632 and my wife’s Honda 2032. This tutorial helped the process a lot. Thanks ifixit!!

Mike -

What kind of cell is used in 2016 RAV 4 keyless entry remote?How many batteries?

pulimoodan -

I lost the screw… what size is it?

Michael Stewart -

My buttons fell out of the casing now won't work at all

Kathy baldwin -