
Ein verbreitetes Problem bei Bosch Geschirrspülern. Vielleicht hängt das mit Wasser unten in der Maschine zusammen. Die Symptome: Am Ende oder während eines Durchlaufs, hört die Pumpe nicht auf zu laufen, gleichzeitig läuft Wasser zu. Der Geschirrspüler kann stundenlang in diesem Zustand bleiben.

  1. 3LcERKybdGvYRPKj
    • Entferne die beiden Torx Schrauben oder Kreuzschlitzschrauben, um die untere Wartungsblende abnehmen zu können.

    • Schaue nach, ob in der Wanne unten Wasser steht und lege sie mit einem Lappen trocken. (wie im Foto zu sehen)

    • Ein bisschen Wasser könnte normal sein, aber viel Wasser an der Stelle hebt einen Schwimmer hoch und kann Probleme verursachen.

    Had the same issue with bosch dishwasher, and I figured out why and very easy no tools needed, First turn off power then fill in about 1 litre of water in dishwasher make sure enough water to cover the top of filter then turn it on and it worked.

    In my case some how at the end or begining of washing cycle the water pump got empty, it could'nt get through next step until water get passed by , that's why the drain motor won't quit, now it works normal again.

    vikhanhto -

    • Hebe mit einem Schraubendreher das rote Plastikgestänge des Schwimmerschalters an. Es hat Laschen die das erleichtern. (ist im Foto nicht leicht zu erkennen)

    • Achte darauf mit dem Schraubendreher keinen Kurzschluss an den Drähten des Einlassventils zu verursachen. (Es ist eine gute Idee vor dieser Maßnahme den Strom auszuschalten)

    • Schalte den Geschirrspüler wieder ein.

    • Das löst vielleicht die Probleme nicht auf Dauer, du kannst diese Prozedur aber beliebig oft wiederholen.

    • Wenn jemand eine dauerhafte Lösung findet bitte mitteilen! Ich vermute einen defekten Schwimmerschalter (Bosch TeileNr 165256), aber die Tatsache, dass mein Geschirrspüler erst mal ein paar Spülgänge läuft macht mich skeptisch.

    • An diesem Geschirrspüler solltest du an der rechten Seite nachschauen, ob die Hauptpumpe undicht ist.

    Had same issue. The DW has to be taken out and the "maze" (preventing backflow of fresh water) on the side needs to be cleaned of accumulated grease. Needs to be done every 6 years or so. Once the grease is cleaned the seals should be tight enough to prevent leakage into the bottom compartment.

    Marko -

    Hi Marko,

    You are 100% correct and this is the permanent fix for this problem.

    To complete the job takes about 1 hour and involves disassembling quite a few parts including the the fill matrix or Maze. Typically the hose with the worst of the the gunge in it is the last one just before the water enters the dishwasher chamber.

    The pressure chamber also gets quite full of gunge.

    Unfortunately for me I was too late with this fix and if you don't do it in time the PCB will eventually burn out which happened in my case.

    Best Rgds J

    james f quinn -

    The reason it works and then doesn't and then works..is because the water that leaks will eventually evaporate after not using it then when you try to use it again there is no water in the base pan floating the switch. You have a leak either seals water valve or circ pump...something is leaking.

    Felix Marquez -


Um dein Gerät wieder zusammen zu setzen folge den Schritten in umgekehrter Reihenfolge.


Mitglied seit: 09/08/11

519 Reputation

4 Kommentare

ALWAYS disconnect an appliance from mains electricity BEFORE attempting ANY repairs by unplugging (where appropriate) or turning it off at the breaker box, and leaving a warning to anyone to NOT flip the breaker back on. Also, place a strip of tape with this warning across the breaker. Otherwise, working on an energised appliance could have disastrous, even deadly effects or consequences!

Michael Driver -

The same approach worked for SRV46A63.

To remove water from the float-enabled switch you need noot only a rag, but a syrenge. In narrow Bosch dishwashers there is a water detecter that looks like a mushroom turned upside down and the "mushroom cap" sits in a kind of a shaft. A leakage would fill the shaft, pushing the cap up, the cap, in turn, would push the red lever which presses a microswitch. A rag would help you to get water from the base, but not from the shaft. You need to get all the water off this shaft with a syrenge, sliding the syrenge needle between the shaft wall and the cap.

%#*@, I should have made a photo!

Rashid Mukharlyamov -

When I worked for an appliance repair company, this used to be a quick Friday afternoon fix to get finished early. It would last a while, until some other poor sod would get the job of fixing it properly. Usually, it’s the circulation pump that is leaking. There should be no water in the base of the machine, it should be bone dry.

Tony -

This worked for my Bosch SHE55RF5UC! Thanks for posting. Symptom: dishwasher simultaneously filling and draining at the same time. Turned off the breaker, two Phillips head screws to get the front cover off, then fold up the insulation to see the red stick. Using a long flat screw driver, pulled the red stick up by one of its tabs (easy to reach). Turned on the breaker, turned on the dishwasher, and now it's working fine.

Reed -