
If using RRF3 (which you should be) you will need to update the BLV NeoPixel board.

  1. 2tYtMnPJuIbSeegI
    • Disconnect the TX/RX wires from the Duet.

    • After downloading and installing the CH340 Driver from the FYSTEC Github

    • Add a jumper to "UVCC to 5V". If you skip this step you will not be able to flash the board.

    • Download the sketch from Github and extract the zip file. Open it in Arduino IDE

    • Board is "Arduino Pro or Pro Mini"

    • Processor is "ATmega328P (5V, 16 MHz)"

    • Upload the sketch to the board

    • When upload is complete, remove the jumper.

  2. qHlnDZ4NIXOp2qYV
    • Left(Heatbed) connects to port #3 on the BLV NeoPixel board

    • Middle(Hotend) connects to port #1 on the BLV NeoPixel board

    • Right(print status) connects to port #2 on the BLV NeoPixel board

  3. 2ZnTkRrJqZFlO1X4
    • You might receive an error saying you need "NeoPixel_BLV.ino needs to be in a folder named NeoPixel_BLV". You have 2 options.

    • This will create a new folder and move the sketch into the newly created folder. Click OK than close Arudino IDE. Move the highlighted files and folder into the new folder "NeoPixel_BLV". You can now reopen the sketch and it should compile without issue.

    • You can also rename the sketch's parent folder to "NeoPixel_BLV". When you open the sketch you won't receive the error.

  4. BMnlMIdO3D4tGHJD
    • Because the CH340 drives RX to ~4.5v it doesn't communicate with the Duet 3. To remedy this you need to either cut the trace or de-solder the pad on the CH340(green) or on the ATMega(red). I would suggest de-soldering the pad on the CH340 because it's easier.

    • In addition to the current wiring schematic you'll also need to to connect the TX from the Arduino to RX on the duet

    • Arduino RX > Duet 3 io1.out

    • Arduino TX > Duet 3 io1.in

    • Arduino GND > Duet 3 io1.GND

    • After the modifications you will no longer be able to upload a sketch using the USB port. You have to use a FTDI serial adapter and connect it to the 6 header pins next to the USB port.

    • For firmware versions prior to RRF 3.4.

    • If using IO_0: M575 P1 S1 B57600.

    • If using IO_1: M575 P2 S1 B57600

    • For firmware versions RRF 3.4 and later

    • If using IO_0: M575 P1 S0 B57600.

    • If using IO_1: M575 P2 S0 B57600

David Husolo

Mitglied seit: 16/06/21

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