If using RRF3 (which you should be) you will need to update the BLV NeoPixel board.
Add a jumper to "UVCC to 5V". If you skip this step you will not be able to flash the board.
Download the sketch from Github and extract the zip file. Open it in Arduino IDE
Board is "Arduino Pro or Pro Mini"
Processor is "ATmega328P (5V, 16 MHz)"
Upload the sketch to the board
When upload is complete, remove the jumper.
Left(Heatbed) connects to port #3 on the BLV NeoPixel board
Middle(Hotend) connects to port #1 on the BLV NeoPixel board
Right(print status) connects to port #2 on the BLV NeoPixel board
You might receive an error saying you need "NeoPixel_BLV.ino needs to be in a folder named NeoPixel_BLV". You have 2 options.
This will create a new folder and move the sketch into the newly created folder. Click OK than close Arudino IDE. Move the highlighted files and folder into the new folder "NeoPixel_BLV". You can now reopen the sketch and it should compile without issue.
You can also rename the sketch's parent folder to "NeoPixel_BLV". When you open the sketch you won't receive the error.
Because the CH340 drives RX to ~4.5v it doesn't communicate with the Duet 3. To remedy this you need to either cut the trace or de-solder the pad on the CH340(green) or on the ATMega(red). I would suggest de-soldering the pad on the CH340 because it's easier.
In addition to the current wiring schematic you'll also need to to connect the TX from the Arduino to RX on the duet
Arduino RX > Duet 3 io1.out
Arduino TX > Duet 3 io1.in
Arduino GND > Duet 3 io1.GND
After the modifications you will no longer be able to upload a sketch using the USB port. You have to use a FTDI serial adapter and connect it to the 6 header pins next to the USB port.
For firmware versions prior to RRF 3.4.
If using IO_0: M575 P1 S1 B57600.
If using IO_1: M575 P2 S1 B57600
For firmware versions RRF 3.4 and later
If using IO_0: M575 P1 S0 B57600.
If using IO_1: M575 P2 S0 B57600