
  1. mo2FvfOc2YWcqfXB
    • Entferne beide T2 Schrauben

    • Entferne das Plastikteil durch Herausziehen und Ankippen und anschließendes Herausheben.

    • Schiebe die Plastik- und Federmontage aus der Schiene heraus.

    Be careful of the small spring, it can jump away!

    Niels Fennema -

    Mine are definitely T2 torx screws (not T3 as written here). I'm pretty sure mine is the fitibt is Charge 3. Maybe they come in different versions. The rest of the instructions, up to the battery, are the same. I only needed to change the battery.

    S C -

  2. iNEolFtAWhDecqKQ
    • Erhitze das Glasdisplay mit einem Heißluftföhn, um den Kleber aufzuweichen.

    • Starte den nächsten Schritt auf der gegenüberliegenden Seite des Fitbitlogos unter dem Glas. Der Grund dafür liegt an den Displaykabeln, welche unter dem Logo anzufinden sind.

    • Schiebe eine Rasierklinge zwischen das Glas und den Metallkörper.

    • Gehe um den Rand des Displays herum, bis das Display lose ist.

    • Hier sieht man, wie nah die Kabel zur Kante unter der Fitbit Schrift anzufinden sind, deswegen ist Vorsicht geboten.

  4. yNGh1Xh6H1rG3qqR
    • Hebe das Display vorsichtig an.

    • Der Akku ist mit etwas Kleber befestigt, sei also beim Anheben vorsichtig.

    • Entferne den Akkustecker.

  5. MJrvua2KHv2LCNA1
    • Entferne beide T2 Schrauben

    • Hebe die Metallabschirmung heraus

  6. eRt4ORGBy1XSMVdC
    • Entferne zwei T2 Schrauben

    • Entferne die T3 Schraube

    • Hebe die Metallabschirmung heraus

  7. WPnjGHeJwkPjBVbX
    • Hebel die beiden Displaystecker heraus.

  8. J3d6qxHmBhGIIRCF
    • Trenne den Vibrationsmotor ab.

    • Trenne den Herzfrequenz- und den Ladestecker ab.

    • Entferne den Höhenmesser.

  9. QVaT3U4WZZpPScV4
    • Entferne die Tasteneinheit vom Gehäuse.

    • Entferne den Vibrationsmotor.

    • Hat ein kleines bisschen Kleber und hält auch magnetisch am Gehäuse.

  10. rGOqalcSTlUq22wM
    • Entferne die Hauptplatine.

    • Der Herzsensor und die Ladepins sind scheinbar fest ins Gehäuse integriert worden. Ich war nicht in der Lage, sie zu entfernen.


Mitglied seit: 21/08/19

581 Reputation

10 Kommentare

The tear down pictures are great, but in my Charge 3 I needed a T-1 and a T-2 driver

Julien Baldwin -

Same, my ifixit pro kit only had a driver for the external screws and did not come with a small enough driver to remove the screws inside the charge 3 unit. I'll need to get the smaller bit from a different kit.

Brian Hall -

Which step in the teardown guide needed the T1 driver?

ShellingRook27 -

Great job on this tear-down. Thank you, it really helped in my screen replacement.

AndyZ -

This tear down was very easy to follow. The heart rate monitor was also sealed in with some adhesive for me too but a little heat gun took it right off. I had suspected water leaked in and that in fact was the culprit after inspecting the connection. corrosion all around the HR monitor.

Nick Herbert -

Great teardown guide! Here is a replacement battery for the Fitbit Charge 3 for around $20 shipped if anyone is looking:

Fitbit Charge 3 Replacement Battery

It includes all the necessary installation tools and it has a one year replacement warranty!

Mike -

por favor en español

Gabriel sanchez centeno -

I followed this guide to replace the screen, it was really good. One thing to note, is that if you order a replacement screen, out of the three cables one might be ending in a different position. It is still possible to connect it, but much harder due to this.

I think it might have been the difference between my charge 3 being special edition, and the replacement screen is for the standard edition. I also think that since I replaced the screen with the standard edition one, my fitbit pay might not work anymore. So be sure to check what you order :)

Gabor -

Actually fitbit pay works. So it is just an annoyance if the cables don't fully line up.

Gabor -

If following this to put it back together, do NOT forget the thin metal part that shields the vibration motor specifically. I did at first and was going mad trying to figure out why my screen wasn't working. I checked my own pictures and realized I had left it out. Whoops!

Also, small springs go small side against the metal bracket. Don't know why, but they are tapered and this is important.

Verlie Myers -