Careful not to mix the screw sizes, some may be too shallow or too deep if inserted into the wrong holes upon reassembly. The keyboard is a single unit and is removed as one piece at the appropriate step.
Remove the battery and set it aside, there is a small clip that slides to free the battery.
Unscrew the two 4.7mm screws below the battery.
Flip the laptop over and open it up.
Using a plastic opening tool carefully pry up along the edge of the plastic bezel at the top of the keyboard.
Remove two 5.5mm screws from the top of the keyboard
Using a plastic opening tool push inward along the edges of the keyboard to release the holding clips
Lift the keyboard upwards
Using the plastic opening tool push up on the black clip holding the connector ribbon.
Pull out the ribbon connector to remove the keyboard.
To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.