Using a spudger, work off the cap of the first screw. The cap is tight; you may need a jimmy or metal spudger.
Using the flat end of a spudger, remove the airbag emblem. The emblem has clips on the top and bottom -- work carefully.
If you're working on the driver side door, remove the mirror control module. Disconnect it from its wiring plug.
Using a trim tool or similar, begin at the bottom of the door card and pop the card away from the door frame.
After you've released the bottom clips, work your way around.
Disconnect the following from the door panel:
Unlocking cable
Speaker cable(s)
Set the door panel aside.
The door panel is now removed.
You will see the airbag module, vapor barrier, and other components.
To reassemble your door, follow these instructions in reverse order.
To avoid the risk of an airbag light, disconnect the negative terminal from the battery before removing the door card.
Michael Johnson -