Why this is an important replacement!
A good working keyboard is an integral peripheral for a home office or gaming computer setup, and the assurance that it is in working order without any damaged keys will make the experience more enjoyable. With my repair guide, I will show you how to replace the key stabilizers and key caps on the Filco Majestouch-2 mechanical keyboard. This repair guide will also help you save money from having to take it to repair shop, or finding someone else to repair it for you. In a few simple steps we will get your keyboard back to working order in no time!
Follow the keyboards USB connector to the back of the computer, and gently pull it out to power it off.
Lay out keycap stabilizer and keycap removal tool next to keyboard to ensure organization.
The key cap stabilizer tools are small, and we don't want to lose them!
The Key Cap removal tool will work with any cap on your keyboard, so it is good to keep it around when the next repair comes along!
Grab the key cap removal tool, and while holding vertically, gently press down on the space bar until an audible "click" is heard.
Gently lift up to release the key from its foundation.
Insert the two key stabilizers by guiding each piece through the metal bar and setting them upright in their holder.
Upright signifies that the “+” is facing upward, this is important as the space bar has the same styled holes underneath.
Grab the space bar key cap and gently press down on its foundation until you hear an audible click.
Reconnect the USB power cable to computer and test keycap in all areas for consistency. You have completed your repair!
If you want to repair any other key cap on this keyboard, you can return to this guide and follow the same instructions.