
Hier wird der Austausch der Lautsprecher gezeigt.

  1. AqbDR6UevUpHD4Ky
    • Setze ein Plastiköffnungswekzeug in den Spalt am SD Kartenleser oder der Ladebuchse.

    • Hebe nach oben, bis sich Rückteil und Tablet trennen.

  2. X32DAYGcFxTVulOv
    • Schiebe das Werkzeug rings um das Tablet.

    • Wenn dies das erste Mal ist wird es recht schwer gehen.

    • Die Rasten sind etwa 5cm weit voneinander entfernt. Beim Lösen kannst du entsprechende Geräusche hören.

    It is not necessary to remove just the white part under penalty of breaking the pins, it is necessary to remove the back with the colored outline of the tablet

    paquito -

    Both plastic tools broke within the first two minutes of use. Had to resort to a narrow conventional flat screwdriver.

    Dennis Durost -

  3. 1L2FAwXS62ifNYtD
    • Wenn alle Rasten geöffnet sind kannst du das Rückteil abnehmen.

    • Sei vorsichtig wenn du innere Bauteile berührst.

    This is the wrong method to open it! You have to open it beetween the front-Display and the golden rim.

    agnuz6569 -

    I’ve taken the back cover off my Samsung tablet, and in the process I have torn one of the little orange plastic connectors that are attached to the back cover. The connector I’ve damaged is the second one in on top left in the picture above. Can you please tell me if I need to replace this before I can get the tablet to work?


    Tom -

    If you remove just the back cover - which to the uninitiated does look less scary than trying to get between the bezel and the display - you will destroy the tiny plastic rivets that lock the cover onto the bezel. More importantly, you will then find that getting to the parts you need to replace is rendered impossible because they will be hidden under the bezel, which of course will still be in place. So the correct way to take this tablet apart is the more challenging way i.e. separate the front display from the bezel and rear. But with care and the right tools this is still not too difficult. And if you are in any doubt about this, it is worth pointing out that in all of the photos below from Step 4 onwards, the work shown is taking place with the bezel removed. There is nothing written in this guide to indicate that this had to be done.

    PhilipHN -

    Have just gone through this process, successfully having read this and other guides and I totally agree with PhilipHN that the most reliable is the slightly scarier approach of removing the front display from the bezel and rear. It is easier overall, you just have to attack it confidently (but gently!).

    Jeremy Linskell -

  4. CFIK4p634vA2VBjk
    • Fange am rechten Lautsprecher an und entfrene die 10 mm Kreuzschlitzschraube #000.

    • Löse den Lautsprecher mit einem Spudger.

    • Zwänge den Spudger neben dem Verstärker ein und löse ihn aus der Klebeverbindung.

    • Entferne die beiden 10 mm Kreuzschlitzschrauben #000 am linken Lautsprecher.

  6. MwLPChobmvOEfZyg
    • Löse den Akkuanschluss links mit einer Pinzette.

  7. JCG2BSS5nUyZHitS
    • Entferne den linken Lautsprecher mit der Pinzette.

    • Es gibt drei Schlitze rings um den Lautsprecher in die du gut hineinfassen kannst.

  8. jnX6d6JmVrRtCewQ
    • Ziehe den Lautsprecher heraus und lege ihn zur Seite um die restlichen Verbindungen zu lösen.

    • Es gibt vier Vertiefungen am Rand, die du benutzen kannst um den Streifen der an der Seite festgeklebt ist, zu lösen.

    • Setze die Pinzette in jede der Vertiefungen um sorgfältig den Streifen zu entfernen.


Um dein Gerät wieder zusammen zu setzen folge den Schritten in umgekehrter Reihenfolge.

Jordan Soto

Mitglied seit: 26/08/15

3240 Reputation

3 Kommentare

Thanks, but I have one big question. I removed the back cover, but I still have no idea how to remove the white plastic frame that covers the outer edge of the speakers. In your guide, it just seems to magically disappear.

fongs89 -

Absolutely right. See my comment above. Carefully prising with the right tools between the display and the frame - the bezel - and working around the outside of the display will eventually cause the bezel to come away from the display with the back cover attached. You can then access the parts you need to get to.

PhilipHN -

Suggestion….add the necessary step of removing the frame that covers the left speaker. If you follow the instructions in this guide, you will not be able to access and remove the left speaker, which is critical considering the on off and volume switches are integral to the speaker.

rwylieusa -