Starting with the laptop on its back, remove the 13 screws holding the keyboard in place with a P00 screwdriver (2 screws are hidden behind the rubber footers)
Open the screen, revealing the keyboard. Using a prying tool, 'pop' the keyboard out by sliding the tool around the edge
Gently raise the keyboard from the body, careful not to rip out the ribbons
With light pressure, flip the black bar holding the ribbons in place, and remove the ribbons from the body
With a P00 Screwdriver, remove the 9 screws holding the battery in place
Gently pry the cable connecting the battery to the motherboard off
Battery will lift away from the body (screen will now be heavier than the body, be careful not to drop it)
Gently disconnect the cable connecting the internal speaker to the motherboard
Using a P00 Screwdriver, remove the final screw from the left speaker
Using a prying tool, carefully remove the speaker out of the body
With a P00 Screwdriver, remove the final screw from the right speaker
Carefully remove the right internal speaker from the body
The entire speaker (barring some tape you may need to remove) should lift away from the body of the laptop
To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.