The following step-by-step guide serves to show the correct way of replacing the Bluetooth Module on the HP Envy Ultrabook 4-1015dx Computer. A broken or faulty Bluetooth module can be identified through incorrect or lack of function of the PC’s normal Bluetooth capabilities. The steps below should be followed carefully to preserve the quality of the computer and not cause additional damages.
The equipment required for this repair is a new Bluetooth module for the HP Envy Device. The tools required to complete the replacement of the Bluetooth module are available to buy below.
Using a small (size 0) Phillips head screwdriver, remove the twelve 5.5 mm external Phillips head screws that connect the back plate to the device.
Using a small (size 0) Phillips head screwdriver, remove the three 3.5 mm Phillips head internal screws that hold the battery in place.
Remove the tape holding the power connector cable and loosen the cable from the routing channel to gain access to the bluetooth module.
Use a pair of small needle nose pliers or tweezers to disconnect the antenna of the bluetooth module.
Using a #0 Phillips head screwdriver, remove the two 3 mm size 0 screws securing the Bluetooth module in place.
Grasp the bluetooth module by its sides and remove it from the computer by wiggling gently. Then place the bluetooth module in an anti-static bag.
To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.