
Hard drives can become damaged or faulty over time, or can just have too little memory or be too slow. follow this guide to replace your hard drive.

  1. 3L4okIIvaEdYZtXU
    • On the back panel of the device, remove the four (4) M2.5xL6 screws at the top of the photo using a Phillips #0 screwdriver.

    • Unscrew the three (3) screws at the bottom of the photo using a T5 Torx screwdriver.

    In the second step the photo looks like the laptop is still in the same position as the first step, which means, according to the first image, the second image shows someone removing the four screws at the top of the laptop. To be accurate to the text in Step 2, the barcode would appear at the top of the image.

    lkmemphis -

  2. wdFJWvkvJPKNdJ5K
    • To remove the back cover, use the black spudger to lift up on the edges of the cover.

    • Use a suction cup to assist in lifting the back cover

  3. lMr3WCPrBtNvYtps
    • Use the Philips #0 screwdriver to remove six (6) M2.0x3.2 screws from battery.

    There are 7 red highlight circles showing on the image.

    lkmemphis -

    Okay, I see the seventh screw is addressed in the next step, #4. Shouldn’t the image in Step 3 show just the six screws the instructions is referring to>

    lkmemphis -

  4. Arc65xmBcTbJvNR3
    • Using the Philips #0 screwdriver, remove the final screw from the battery connected to the SSD storage unit.

    Why is this seventh screw separate from the other six in the prior step?

    lkmemphis -

  5. 51tWCua61UB5YSOI
    • Lift and pull the front of the battery up and out (away from the connector) to remove.

  6. sQagkvjLlOchglna
    • Use the tweezers to lift up the retaining flap on the cable connector.

    • Pull out the ribbon cable from the connector.

  7. nJ2wO62hMV3xdWLP
    • Use the spudger to lift the hard drive from the cutout.


To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.

Richard Donald Battel

Mitglied seit: 21/09/21

306 Reputation

Ein Kommentar

Followed guide to remove HDD from 15m-bq121dx model. Steps were identical. Took more force than I expected to remove bottom cover and to get the HDD out.

Adam Francis -