Speakers are responsible for all audio output on the computer, any damage can cause distortions or cutting of audio . Use this guide to replace your speaker.
On the back panel of the device, remove the four (4) M2.5xL6 screws at the top of the photo using a Phillips #0 screwdriver.
Unscrew the three (3) screws at the bottom of the photo using a T5 Torx screwdriver.
To remove the back cover, use the black spudger to lift up on the edges of the cover.
Use a suction cup to assist in lifting the back cover
Using the Philips #0 screwdriver, remove the final screw from the battery connected to the SSD storage unit.
Using a Philips #0 screwdriver, remove the three M2x4 screws located around the cooling fan as shown in this picture.
Using a Phillips #1, remove the seven M2.0x3.2 screws.
Undo the six connections using the blue opening tool.
Use the tweezers to remove the cords from their restraints.
Lift the speakers out of the laptop.
To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.
In the second step the photo looks like the laptop is still in the same position as the first step, which means, according to the first image, the second image shows someone removing the four screws at the top of the laptop. To be accurate to the text in Step 2, the barcode would appear at the top of the image.
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