This guide will instruct you on how to remove and replace the SD card reader. The SD card reader may need to be replaced if it is not working. First, you will need to remove the backplate and battery by following the respective steps.
Turn off and unplug the laptop.
Flip over the laptop so that the bottom backplate is exposed.
With a hex T5 screwdriver remove the six 3mm screws holding the backplate.
Using the same screwdriver, remove the two 7mm screws.
With all the screws removed, use a plastic opening tool to lift off the backplate.
With the backplate removed, remove the four 3 mm screws securing the battery with a Phillips #1 screwdriver.
With the screws removed, disconnect the 3 wires connected to the battery.
Remove the 2 mm long Phillips #000 head screw on the SD Card Reader.
Using a plastic spudger, release the pressure connector marked with the green rectangle by gently prying up from below.
Once the pressure connector is undone, the white ribbon cable connected to the SD Card Reader will pull out with no resistance.
With the ribbon cable disconnected and the screw out, the SD Card Reader will be free to remove and replace.
To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.