
32 GB Speicher ist nicht viel für einen Laptop. Entgegen der landläufigen Meinung ist das Upgrade der SSD dieses Laptops nicht wirklich schwierig - es bedeutet jedoch, dass du deine interne WiFi-Karte aufgeben mußt. Als Besitzer dieses Laptops habe ich mit den Windows 8 und Windows 10 W-iFi Treibern gekämpft und war froh sie los zu werden. Mein aktuelles Setup enthält eine 250 GB SSD und eine externe Wi-Fi-Karte. Diese Anleitung soll dir dabei helfen, das gleiche zu tun!

Ich werde die Anleitung weiter verbessern, wenn mehr Leute an dem Vorgang interessiert sind.

  1. PKYK3Ref3UXTSI2p
    • Achte darauf, den Laptop in einer Umgebung mit genügend Licht auseinander zu nehmen, und darauf, dass er entladen ist. Berühre vor dem Beginnen etwas, um dich zu erden! Elektrostatische Entladungen können dein Motherboard zerstören.

  2. JhFGyYWVjW3mI4F6
    • Drehe das Laptop um. Auf der Rückseite befinden sich vier Gummifüsschen, die entfernt werden müssen, um an die Schrauben darunter zu kommen. Entferne zuerst, wie auf dem Bild gezeigt, das Gummifüsschen in der Mitte.

    • Unter jedem Gummifüsschen ist eine Schraube. Entferne alle Gummifüsschen.

  4. hJAFdLJFshJvLpLk
    • Es müssen insgesamt drei Kabel gelöst werden. Klappe jeden ZIF Stecker nach oben, um ihn zu lösen.

    Use a plastic pry tool as a metal one or a flathead screwdriver may damage the soft plastic of the assembly. Start at one point and work your way around.

    Irfan Virani -

    Careful not to lift up the keyboard too far without disconnecting the ribbon cables as you could damage them if they are pulled out.

    Irfan Virani -

    hola buenas tardes

    Samuel De Lago Dévora -

  5. f6BkQsePOx2Bg5Yv
    • Unterseite der Tastatur

  6. mnkCKN4q2odNAaHK
    • Die Wi-Fi/Bluetooth mPCIe Karte befindet sich rechts von der Hauptplatine, hier mit einem Pfeil markiert.

    How to set up and let the bios detect the new hard disk?

    eddieeddieh -

    Quando uno lo tratta l'hp male dando botte PC che mio è un rosa è na pandemia mi sfogavo dopo lo voluto nell'hanno cui nato un maschio piglio rosa. Ma guarda se dovevo

    fantasmaspettro982004 -

    Prenderlo rosa nel 2018che azzurro ora dovevo comprare ma se era rotto lasis bianco quale è batteria ? nera..?no si capisce guasto sembra tutto ok ?vi vorrei qui Palermo

    fantasmaspettro982004 -

  7. EQfP3vGrawqmQgoZ
    • Du siehst, dass es eine große Lücke für die WWAN-Karte und keine M.2-Verbindung gibt. Es ist möglich, die mPCIe-Karte zu erweitern und die WiFi-Karte vollständig zu entfernen. Eine andere Möglichkeit könnte sein, ein Board mit einer M.2 WWAN-Karte zu kaufen und sie mit einer SSD auszutauschen. Leider sind diese ziemlich selten.

    Hi mate, i`ve been watching this photo in this page for a long time, and i’m thinking…

    Just in that space where you can see like 6 blue plastic dots, (over the board that have the 2 USB ports), there is a space in the board (the green one) to add a socket, like that one that holds the M.2 WWAN card, but there is no socket, connector or that thing.

    You think that you can add one (if you can find one) and connect there the M.2 WWAN card, and install the SSD in the main socket where the “default“ wifi/bt card is?

    If you know anything else, please let me know .

    My e-mail is pedrocagigaslopez@gmail.com

    Bye ;)

    Pedro Cagigas López -

    Pay attention before to buy an SSD: in my HP Stream Notebook PC 13 the WiFi card has NGFF (M.2) interface, not mPCIe.

    Fabio Cuomo -

    Buen día, disculpa sabes de qué tamaño debe ser la tarjeta ssd que se le puede acoplar?

    Rafael Flores -

  8. ywl2SAtxTTHOY6Cb
    • Nahaufnahme des USB / WWAN Boards.

    Do I need to take this out in order to replace the WIFI card with an SSD?

    gabepaulgreen -

    Hii, is it possible to add a HP EX950 1TB m.2 NVMe SSD on the USB WWAN board inside the slot where those 30 golden prongs are?? I’ve been looking at your images plus videos on YouTube to see where I can install a higher storage SSD without removing anything else. The only place I can find it on is the USB WWAN board where those gold prongs & clear tape are. Please tell me if it’s actually compatible??

    Taz Tehrani -

  9. cBqH3Y4GKmdZMPgj
    • Wie bereits erwähnt, kannst du diese Karte gegen eine PCIe SSD mit halber Breite austauschen, die du bei Amazon oder anderen Elektronikhändlern findest.

    I bought a Samsung PM830 SSD 128GB on Amazon as you recommended, but it didn't work.

    I never updated the bios. It doesn't work when I put this mini PCIe SSD instead of the wireless card, but in addition it is too big ! It doesn't fit into the box.

    - Can you explain with pictures or video please ?

    - Can you give us also the version of your bios ?

    Meanwhile I take a micro sd card + 128GB samsung pro because with an internal memory of 32GB that is not possible.

    Thank you in advance !

    Alex -

    Scusa volevo sapere dove comprare un sdd hardisk

    daniele galliano -

    I think you people should be trying a 256GB half height Msata Card. Aren’t they what fits here, and wiorks right? Please elaborate. I’m getting ready to take this apart, and I need to know what fits properly.

    John Connor (I'm back) -

    Salve, qualcuno può inserire qualche link o foto dell'adattatore? Non riesco a trovarlo da nessuna parte

    Fabio Medda -

  10. dknaJGnNERb4bjxT
    • Ein häufiges Problem könnte die Wärmeableitung sein, daher ist es empfehlenswert, die Wärmeleitpaste zu entfernen und durch eine hochwertigere zu ersetzen. Ich empfehle auch, Wärmepads an der Unterseite des Kupferkühlkörpers hinzuzufügen, wo die RAM-Chips sitzen.

  11. SEjQLu2fQiDGL3U2
    • Folge den Schritten in umgekehrter Reihenfolge, um dein HP Stream wieder zusammenzubauen.

    I messed up my keyboard while doing this. I'm using the on-screen keyboard to type and I don't like it. Please help!!!

    David James -

    The keyboard will have a Model number on it and google it There might be a supplier on Alibaba or aliexpress the Model number can be placed on the body or the ribbon cable

    NÖME Technologys and Designs -

    Questo portatile non ha la batteria tampone? Non sono riuscito a trovarla!

    Cristiano Alivernini -

    My HP Stream did not have a mPCIe port. Instead, it had an M.2 port. I’m attempting an upgrade with a KingSpec 2242 NGFF 512GB M.2 SSD and will report back whether or not it worked. If you have an Intel 7265NGW Wi-Fi card in your HP Stream, you’re in the same boat.

    Timothy Zorn -

    What was the result? I'm in the same boat as you.

    cyberkhronos -

    hi sir, just asking it work?have manage to install windows 10?


    delsystemsnetwork -


Befolge diese Anweisungen in umgekehrter Reihenfolge, um dein Gerät wieder zusammenzusetzen.

Kevin Fessler

Mitglied seit: 31/01/16

1810 Reputation

35 Kommentare

half-width mSATA SSD available in boot?

basicmail3 -

Questo è il problema!!!

Sicuro che tale scheda possa funzionare al Boot del PC.

Bisognerebbe provare potresti dire, 53 $ per la scheda da 64 Gb + 20-30 $ per una penna USB WiFi, tot 80-90 $, e se poi non parte?


That is the question!!!

Sure that this card will work at Boot the PC.

You should try to say, $ 53 for 64 GB card + 20-30 $ for a WiFi USB stick, tot 80-90 $, and if not then part?


Gian Lorenzo Molinari -

Non ci fai vedere come è questa scheda SSD da mettere al posto del modulo WiFi

E poi questa scheda half-width mSATA SSD è possibile farla partire al boot?

E neppure so dove trovarle

Do not you show us how this SD card to put in place the WiFi module.

I've never seen nor know where to find them.

And then this half-width mSATA SSD card, you can start it at boot?

Gian Lorenzo Molinari -

I already have a wi-fi card and I ordered hard drive 120Gb for 53$ . 20 days I'll write how it works or not

basicmail3 -

Make sure that you order an *PCIe* mini half-width or full-width (buy or make an extension bracket) and you have the current BIOS (HP sometimes whitelists cards).

Be forewarned- Not all mSATA cards will play nice with this slot. I personally recommend the Samsung PM830 128GB SSD HDD Mini PCIe from Amazon for only $40. Word of wisdom, you may have to reconnect the battery for Windows to recognize it.

Kevin Fessler -

I have sad news, wifi was not msata. In my model , it looks like msata m.2


basicmail3 -

Lucky you! You might actually have the M.2 wifi card. Swap out the WWAN module with an M.2 SSD. Reroute the antennea wires and add an mPCIe WiFi card or tie them back and use an external WiFi adapter.

Kevin Fessler -

Hi, Kevin Fessler, thank you so much for your guide. Could you share will us what SSD you are using for your Stream 13? What brand and what model?

martin chan -

In my previous post I mentioned that I am using a Samsung PM830 128GB SSD. It is a PCIe standard so I knew that it would work with my setup. Bear in mind that not all mSATA SSDs will work with the HP Stream's PCIe port AND that updating your BIOS may make the SSD disappear from Windows entirely. HP clearly does not want users to use this workaround to gather more space on your computer because they want you to get a model up. I've also heard rumors from a friend who works there that they want to slowly phase out the Stream series to promote more "hands-on tablets" for Windows 10.

Kevin Fessler -

Hello and thank you for this guide. Can you tell which Bios versions support the additional SSD please?

Arik Benz -

I ended up selling my Stream 13 a while ago, but I remember I was on the stock version (downloaded around December 2014).

Kevin Fessler -

As I am planning on installing either Antix-MX 15 or Manjaro Cinnamon (Linux), or possibly both, onto the original SSD, if I acquire the used Stream 11 I am thinking of, and not bothering with Windoze at all, will there be a BIOS problem for Linux recognizing the SSD?

azraelle -

I haven't had much luck with any Stream 11/13 laptop on Linux, save for Ubuntu and Mandriva. Not sure if Antix-MX will detect the SSD, but you are welcome to try it and post your results here!

: )

Kevin Fessler -

This is such a wonderful step by step guide. But I do have a few quick questions ; I'm currently a college student who primarily takes online classes , is there anyway to upgrade the prosser , SSD and ram . If not do you recommend any reasonably priced laptops that are upgradable.

Magdalena -

Unfortunately, there is no way to upgrade either the processor or RAM on this laptop without reflowing the board to remove these components. You'd have to know what Bay trail CPUs and RAM ICs are compatible with this laptop to do so. Most laptops that are in the low-end, inexpensive zone of the spectrum typically have both the CPU/RAM and Hard Drive/SSD soldered on-board to save on costs. I'd recommend an older used laptop if cost is of concern to you. I can't recommend a laptop to you unless I know your price range, but stay away from new laptops that are less than $250 unless you think it's worth it. Good luck to you on your laptop search! Let me know if I can be of any assistance.

Kevin Fessler -

Thanks for posting this .. I've been searching for a fix to the HP Stream hard disk deficiency for some time. When I look at your photos and the inside of my HP Stream 13, I see little brass-colored sharp-edged metal supports that would seeming block installation of a full-width SSD. I just can't picture how anything other than a half-width SSD could fit in there. In step 9, you mentioned that one can swap the wifi/bluetooth mPCIe card out with a half-width PCIe SSD found on Amazon or other electronics retailers, but later in the comments you said you used the Samsung PM830 128GB SSD, which I can only find in full-width size. So I'm confused. Did you use a full-width Samsung PM830 SSD, and if so, how did you fit it in there without damaging it on those sharp-edged metal supports? Or did you use a half-width Samsung PM830 SSD, and if so, where did you find it (if you could post the URL, it would be appreciated)?

Danny -

Hi Danny. The metal (they are plastic) supports can be removed with some pliers and a steady hand. The "lock nut" can be ripped out, sanded down and moved to accommodate a full size mPCIe SSD. I will say, if you don't want to do surgery on your laptop, you can simply buy a half-width mPCIe card, but make sure that you get one that is "mPCIe" because mSATA will not work. As some other users pointed out, I can't guarantee that all cards will work because HP whitelists cards in the WiFi slot.

On another note, it might be better to get a USB WWAN Board that has an M.2 slot soldered on. I think that the M.2 is faster and has a broader range of compatibility for SSDs. This is part of the HP Card Reader Board, HP Part #792769-001 if you are interested in this route. Image: http://partsurfer.hp.com/ShowPhoto.aspx?... . They are about $60, but no surgery is required to use it with the HP Stream 13 and you'll likely avoid HP's card whitelisting.

Kevin Fessler -

Hello, I've got HP 792769-001 board and 128gb KINGSPEC ssd card was inserted to M.2 slot . But card wasn't recognized by Windows. Do you have some idea what I should doing in next step. I didn't find any setup option in BIOS. Thanks in advance for your advice.


Hi did you managed to get this setup work?

Teemu Säilä -

I found some ram parts that have pci connectivity and wanted to know instead of using a ssd could i use that?

john lewis -

Hi ! I've bought this to upgrade my ultrabook https://www.amazon.fr/Zheino-SATAIII-Dis... but it's not recognized by Windows and by the BIOS. How to solve this ? Thanks a lot !

JOBARD Guillaume -

Hello. Please my hp 13 is on but not displaying, have tried replacing the display cable but not working still. I was told it's the white and black port on the board. I believe the engineer and he did something to it which makes it to work for a short while before the present moment when it's not even displaying at all. Pls help me what can I do to make it display again

don -

Hi. I want to upgrade my brother's HP Stream 11"......... for gaming. Yes, I know that this PC is hilariously underpowered, but he is fine playing with the 15fps intelHD integrated graphics with his Intel Core Atom. However, there is one thing that prevents him from even using the PC, which is it only has 16GB of storage. I want to upgrade his laptop for him, but I know he won't want to use a WiFi adapter with it. Are there any cards with WiFi and more storage that I can look into getting for him?

MaxAwesomeness GB (Max) -

hi do not know how to fig it Where Could I send my notebook to fig please?

Please could you help me please.

Many Thanks

Contact Email: yuwareeponboon@hotmail.co.uk

MS Yuwaree Ponboon

( 23/04/2017 )


yuwareeponboon -


With my Stream 13 I have tried both ePCI SSD and M.2 SSD (with USB WWAN board) but my Bios is not recognising secondary SSD. Only the primary drive is visible in bios and OS. Any hints? My bios version is F.1E.

USB ports from USB WWAN board are functioning normally.

Teemu Säilä -

I’ve received an answer from HP support. As I understood, WWAN board has “fake” M.2 slot which does not support memory card.

Евгений Смирнов -

Where is the hard drive?

Jose Alberto Vega -

Is there someplace I can send my hp stream to have this done. I HAVE MOBILITY ISSUES

rmsstanton -

Hey Kevin,

I have a newer HP Stream 14inch and I took it apart and not sure what card to order but it’s a newer wifi module than the one you have posted!

Here is a link to it: https://ibb.co/hANX98

Please tell me what card to buy to upgrade to an SSD

Daniel Ringuette -

What are the dimensions of a suitable SSD card? The WiFi card on my stream computer is something like 24mm x 16 mm. Presumably you cannot use a 50x25 mm card? Does it have to be this small? I do not seem to be able to a source an appropriate card in the UK. Could you suggest something from US Amazon, for example? Many thanks, Ray d'Inverno

Ray d'Inverno -

Hello @kevin_fessler

I am buying this same notebook in half hour so, did you personally test that PM830 works on the wifi slot? on this hp ? are sure about this ?

H.Christ Kalejian -

Pay attention before to buy an SSD: in my HP Stream Notebook PC 13 the WiFi card has NGFF (M.2) interface, not mPCIe.

Fabio Cuomo -

I bought Samsung PM830 and plug into pci-e slot , i switch on the computer but ut cannot shown the ssd

can you tell me what is your bios and step to work with the samsung PM830

wingogs -

I have the same problem

I cant see it in the bios.

Samir Zarour -

I add a 128gb half size card. But i cant see it on the bios… why?

What bios version i need for that?

Samir Zarour -