A shirt collar with un-stitched or soiled fabric might lead you to think that it’s no longer usable. However, this is actually a simple repair, and fixing and re-using clothing reduces textile waste, and consequently, the negative environmental impact it causes. Not to mention, it saves you money!
If your shirt's collar is unstitched or stained, this guide will help you to fix it in about 20 minutes. Knowledge in using a sewing machine is required to perform a satisfactory fix. Beware of punctures while using the sewing machine, and burns while ironing the fabric to set the needlework.
How to use a sewing machine: https://craftspress.com/how-to-use-a-sew...
Cut a piece of fabric the size of the damaged area, and place it over the interior of the damaged section of the collar.
Sew the piece of fabric into the collar.
Fold your shirt and its altered collar in half, then mark the middle of the pieces with a fabric pencil.
Place the fragment of the collar that was altered, the side facing your neck, in the opposite direction.
Enjoy your like-new collar!
Attention: Sharp pointy objects can be injurious. Seam rippers feature pointy and sharp areas. Take care when using a seam ripper so as to avoid injury.
(Personally, I've had worse injuries from a seam ripper than from a sewing machine.)
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