If your houseplant is starting to wilt, use this guide to repot the dying houseplant. A houseplant will start to die if it is left in conditions that inhibit its growth. Such conditions include a pot that is too small for the plant. Another variable that may affect your plant is bacteria growing on the roots. Treating your plant’s roots in a hydrogen peroxide/water mixture would eliminate most bacteria that cause your plant to wilt. Repotting the plant to address these issues can revive it and allow it to continue to grow. Before getting started, you will need a mixture of 1/2 cup of water and 1/2 cup of hydrogen peroxide poured into a bowl. Use caution when handling hydrogen peroxide to avoid burns to the skin and eyes.
Remove the entire plant from its previous pot by grasping the plant at the base of the stem and gently removing the soil and dead plant material from the plant roots with your fingers.
Place the plant roots-first in the hole and gently push the surrounding soil over them. If necessary, fill in the sides around the plant base with soil for stability.
Your plant should thrive now that it is able to extend its roots in a larger pot. Proper care and sunlight will ensure your plant lives a long and healthy life, however, these steps can be repeated in the future if necessary.