The strings of a hoodie can often move around, become uneven, or fall out of the hoodie. This is something that can ruin one’s favorite hoodie but it is easy to fix.
This fix uses a safety pin to move the string through the hoodie to fix this common occurrence and make the strings even once again. Be careful though, during steps 2 and 5 using a safety pin can cause injury.
It is recommended that the hoodie and string are washed before beginning this repair. This ensures that no dirt gets carried and stuck in the hole of the hoodie. It is also best if someone is not wearing the hoodie while repairing it so it is easier to move the safety pin through the hoodie.
Continue pinching and straightening the fabric while holding onto the safety pin to move the string through the hoodie.
Do this until the safety pin reaches the hole on the other side of the hoodie.
After restringing the hoodie, you can wear it without fear of uneven or missing strings.
Ein Kommentar
Great tutorial but I have two comments/suggestions:
First, when inserting the pin into the hoodie I think it’d be even easier to pass the pin through the hoodie if the pin was inserted HEAD FIRST - meaning that the thicker, curved head should enter first. I run electrical wiring using a snake with a looped end. We often have to wrap electrical tape around the part of the looped end of the snake so that any open edges don’t catch on anything as the snake is being pulled. Similar concept applies here. Putting the pin in head first would probably facilitate it passing through more easily.
Second suggestion is to cut up a wire hanger and create a make shift snake/pull. Run it through the channel of the hoodie out the other end. Once through, loop one end of wire, put in string and tie a knot larger than the loop, tape any rough edges with electrical tape, and slowly pull through. Crochet needles or some other such knitting/crocheting tools might work well too.