
This guide will help you resolve the misfire in any of the cylinders in a Mazda Tribute 2001 4x4 6 cylinder SUV. I fix it when an expert could not do it. I end up paying $800.00 for nothing. Hope this help you.

  1. wfBhZUywFvRfpMSJ
    • Start removing all the mark parts in red circles. (upper bolts from the intake manifold,hoses,vacuum hoses,filter tube,etc)

  2. rEktlJGvw2UPVspX
    • Remove the connector from the PCM

    • The ignition coil should get around 1.5 volts to work (at least in my truck) this will change constantly due to the cylinder position. Measure between using the two cables from the coil pack connector

    • The cylinder fire like this: 1,4,2,5,3,6. So if you don't get the voltage and you get half 0.542v this mean the any of the cable running from the coil to the pcm is broken (most common problem is in the pcm due to the position)

    • First measure the voltage from all the coils. If you get around 1.5v in all of them we will start replacing the coil pack. ej misfire cyl #1 - we place coil pack #1 in cylinder # 4 - this is to make sure you have a bad coil pack.

  4. su6TQetKBqkrsUEw
    • Test for continuity from the bad cylinder (coil pack connector the pcm) all cables have different color so it will be easy to identify. (most of them are in the right corner)

    • In case you don't get continuity this means the cable is broken (use a jumper until you get continuity). Test the connector with the jumper cable connected. Assembly the intake manifold and re-test.


To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.

Josue Valentin

Mitglied seit: 17/09/13

379 Reputation

14 Kommentare

Hello I have a 2001 mazda tribute es v6 and cannot get it to run the right way, it was fine tell I decided to wash the engine and the girlfriend took it for a drive short after, I have replaced the coils, sparkplugs, some of the sensors and clean everything related, can anyone help I'm ready to throw the towel thank you

echa9750 -

echa9750, have you tried replacing the manifold gaskets? if you did plugs and coils, the upper intake manifold gaskets might want to be replaced now. also with the age, the valve cover gaskets probably need replacing too. i did mine and it seemed to make the engine run better. I dont know why but my guide to do upper intake manifold replacement on this website is not complete. Complete guide is here: http://www.beardeddonkey.com/home/commen...

and full guide for valve cover gasket replacement is here: http://www.evernote.com/l/AJ4SbFRBB_dGfa...

Nathan Stanley -

Swap the 4 and 6 wires to the coils see what happens

teresa420 -

Great stuff, question, when I was removing the intake manifold, apparantly one of the bolts was not “captive” and I heard it fall, I am confident it went down, because I heard it hit various places in it’s trajectory then I heard it hit the garage door grate. I’ve searched considerably and not been able to find the bolt, any idea where I can purchase a replacement?

Gordon Campbell -

Happend to me too. I just went to the local junkyard and they charge me a buck plus other parts I needed. Or eBay, make sure the location is US so shipping doesnt become an issue. Hope this help Good luck

Josue Valentin -

Where are you located I need my 01 Mazda tribute fix…I have no idea about cars only to change tires and ck fluids.?

Star Bradley -

Are you located anywhere to Alabama? My 01 Mazda tribute is misfiring and oil light keeps coming on.

Star Bradley -

i have a question regarding the steps above.

1) why are you asking to remove the intake manifold to test the coil packs.

2) if I disconnect from PCM how will I get voltage to test the connectivity.

Jay -

I will try the method up above hope it works! Mechanic still can't find the problem and it cost me just over $2000 and still trying to milk me with my 2002 Mazda Tribute

Dave -

I have Mazda tribute 2001, my engine is not racing normal, after l change top casket, change Ring, so my question is, after I set the timing, the engine is not starting directly until l pour fuel in the manifold before the engine start, after that the engine will pick up, but My problem is cylinder 1 and 4 is not working at all, l need help What should I do next?

Priase Essien -

I I have a 2002 Mazda tribute we change the coils we change the spark plugs we’ve done everything to it and we’re still not getting fire at the six-cylinder what could that be

Debbie Straughn -

Check a few things with help and taking the necessary precautions.

1. Remove the coil (not the sparkplug) insert a temporary sparkplug on 6th coil (not the ones in the engine) have someone turn on the tribute and check for sparks (blue arc due high voltage). This is a few second test, please don't touch anything near the temporary sparkplug it'll shock you, we want a visual inspection. Other test is to swap coil 4 and 6. If you swap 4 to 6 and it works but 4 stops working then you could have a wiring or coil issue.

2. Check voltage on 6th cylinder injector, it should have a voltage if not then check the wiring. You'll need to probably turn the key to accessory (before you crank it)

3. PCV valve

Hope it helps, however the best way is to use a scanner to get the right codes and have a starting point of failure.

Josue Valentin -

I have a 2006 Mazda tribute that has the codes from PO300 to 306 I have coil packs to replace and map sensor. Will this cause my engine to clunk the noise is coming from the back of the motor

Consuelo Barhum -

I have a 2006 Mazda tribute 3.0 front wheel drive runs fine I've replaced the throttle position sensor map sensor you give it gas it'll go good and it's like at a certain RPM it'll start missing I can let off the gas pedal and it'll take right on off until it gets to that point again and it'll Miss again I can either push it down and it'll go back or I can hold it up but I have replaced the throttle position sensor twice need help

James -