These steps will help you fix your lint trap on a Kenmore 67123 dryer. If your lint trap won’t close all the way this guide will show you how to fix that problem. This guide will help you step by step on how to remove the lint trap and see inside. This will help to see why the lint trap won’t close all the way. This is an important guide because your dryer could start on fire if the lint trap isn’t closing all the way. I hope this guide will help someone that has the same problem I did.
Using your Phillips #0 remove two 12.7 mm screws on each side of the door.
Remove the door.
Remove the lint trap. You can see that there is a lot of lint in there. Once you take off the lint trap, you need to move it to the side. That way you have access to the trap and all the lint.
Use your hands to clean out all the lint from the trap. Grab all the lint inside the trap.
Replace the lint trap and using the Phillips #0 screwdriver, screw the three 25.4 mm screws to secure the lint trap.
Using the Phillips #0 replace the four screws for the dryer door. Each side has two12.7mm screws.
To put everything back start with the door, then putting the lint trap back on and then you are done. This guide is very simple. When you finish you should not have any screws left.