Find where your water gun is leaking.
Obtain a zip tie of a similar color.
Heat up the end of that zip tie with a lighter or small torch
Allow the melted plastic from the zip tie to fill in any voids that water could leak from
Be careful not to dispose of the remaining zip tie right away. Allow it to cool down first!
Thats stupid! Just get some freaking modeling glue or epoxy. Or even rubber glue. Melting plastic onto solid plastic does NOT fix the problem, you have to "weld" the two plastics together, meaning you have to also melt the gun plastic! By then you destroyed your gun and caused a bigger leak! After all that time and effort and playing with fire, just run to the hardware store or a hobby shop & buy a little thing of glue! đŸ™„
Whoever wrote the melted ziptie idea most likely tried and ruined the gun. Maybe it held for 2 minutes and the melted ziptie fell off. Or the Ding Dong thought it "might work" cause he plays with fire and likes to burn crap and melt plastic on moms carpet. You HAVE TO MELT BOTH TO MAKE IT WORK! but like I said you can create a bigger leak from heat warping the seams. AGAIN! BUY GLUE!!! IT WORKS PERFECTLY AND LASTS!!! And it still looks like a new untouched gun. But if you want a Janky Ghetto squirter, use the ziptie method! PEACE!!
Richard Stewart -