
Verwende diese Anleitung, um den Akku in deinem Huawei P8 aus zu tauschen.

  1. DAcIpvQOek3gwDB2
    • Schalte zuerst dein Handy aus.

    • Entferne deinen SD- sowie SIM-Kartenhalter.

  2. O1dXFeSKdXHsubde
    • Entferne die zwei Torx T2 Schrauben links und rechts neben der Micro-USB-Buchse.

    • Wenn das Glas gesprungen ist, dann klebe etwas Klebeband auf dein Display, um deine Augen vor Glassplittern schützen, und um einen besseren Halt beim Öffnen des Geräts zu bekommen.

    Torx 2 also works :)

    Dennis Meerveld -

    Tried pentalobe drivers but had to get a Torx 2 in the end, possibly some variation across regional models.

    Ben Raphael -

    Pentalobe screws on my p8…

    In the kit,i have only T2…

    joska Horvath -

  3. WsDspqUFHFfddNV2
    • Verwende einen iSclack oder Saugheber, um das Rückteil von der Displayeinheit zu trennen.

  4. bA1rksqXv4LOt21m
    • Entferne die beiden Kreuzschlitzschrauben #00, welche die die Halterungen der Display-/ Akku- und Frontkamera-Kabelsteckern fixieren.

  5. t6sDuCEiVYNKCg6m
    • Verwende eine Pinzette, um die Halterung über dem Display- und Akkustecker zu entfernen.

    • Benutze einen Spudger, um den Akkuverbinder zu lösen.

    • Entferne die Halterung, welche den Stecker der Frontkamera abdeckt.

  6. I5ddssrrCC4NTT1i
    • Löse den Stecker des Kopfhöreranschlusses sowie den der Frontkamera.

    • Entferne die Frontkamera.

  7. K5IiW4iiMRZiIyPU
    • Benutze einen Spudger, um das Power- sowie Lautstärkekabel zu lösen und es aus dem Weg zu biegen.

    • Entferne den Flüssigkeitsindikator.

    • Entferne die fünf Kreuzschlitzschrauben#00, welche die Hauptplatine deines Huawei P8 befestigen.

  9. RmWyuoM4YLieCYTW
    • Löse den Stecker des Vibrationsmotors.

    • Ziehe den Stecker des Antennenkabels ab.

  10. ioQekpoFYQtLFhRK
    • Löse den Stecker des Displaykabels mithilfe eines Spudgers.

    • Verwende eine Pinzette, um das Antennenkabel abzulösen und zu entfernen.

  11. AofZVkuJFsiHBgGX
    • Entferne die Hauptplatine vom Smartphone.

  12. VpVZiRtNT4qaTXD6
    • Löse vorsichtig das Flexkabel deines Lautsprechers.

    • Wenn sich das Kabel nicht leicht entfernen lässt, dann erwärme die Lautsprechereinheit mit einem iOpener oder einem Heißluftgebläse.

    • Hebe die Lautsprechereinheit mit einem Spudger heraus und entferne sie.

  13. ZR2oWvLgyFRcFm6y
    • Lege das Ende vom ersten Klebestreifen frei, damit du gleich einen guten Halt hast.

    • Ziehe den Klebestreifen mit in einer langsamen und gleichmäßigen Bewegung heraus, um den Akku zu lösen.

  14. OpEPCtqIRsHynyQE
    • Lege das Ende des zweiten Klebestreifens frei, um einen guten Halt zu bekommen.

    • Ziehe den Klebestreifen mi in einer langsamen und gleichmäßigen Bewegung heraus.

    • Falls die Klebestreifen reißen, kannst du sie mit einen iOpener etwas erwärmen und aufweichen, und dann den Akku mit einem Spudger heraushebeln.

  15. 6KWNdGjPNWjZWjmC

Folge dieser Anleitung in umgekehrter Reihenfolge, um dein Gerät wieder zusammenzubauen.

Dominik Schnabelrauch

Mitglied seit: 23/11/16

167773 Reputation

9 Kommentare

Really helpful guide. Only hiccup was that on my handset the screws holding the casing together (Step 2) were Torx 2 rather than pentalobe, possibly a regional variation. I opted not to remove the loudspeaker (Step 10) as the ribbon cable was firmly stuck down and I worried it would break. This meant I could only cleanly remove the adhesive pad in line with the charging port. I was able to prise out the battery using spudger and screwdriver to scrape the other pad from the phone body. All now reassembled and working properly!

Ben Raphael -

Overall a very helpful guide . I also had torx screws in mine . The torx screws are tiny , so make sure you have the right screwdriver before starting . We didn’t bother removing the loudspeader assembly either (Step 10) . You can just prise up the ribbon cable (carefully) . Add heat if necessary . Now to the biggest problem . Removing the old battery from the phone . What a nightmare ! It’s really stuck down .We took our time using a hairdryer (no heat gun) , and a flat head screwdriver , and went from one end to the other prising it off gently . It still took about 20 minutes . Saying that . Don’t rush it , as it’s the final stage . Also . If you do use a flat head screwdriver then don’t twist it , as you might damage the casing . Just slide it underneath it applying heat . Total time to remove the old battery was 90 minutes , but about 50 of those were spent just getting the first 2 screws out . 20 minutes to put the new battery in and reassemble . Make sure all flex connectors are properly reseated .

Paul -

My P8 battery has completely died on me. I cannot believe that to replace a battery, we have to now go to these lengths to do it. There must be a mountain of mobile phones, where the only issue with them is a flat battery. Surely, this cannot be allowed to continue. I know why the manufacturers want to make it hard to simply replace a battery, because it sells more mobile phones. But think of all that wasted technology, where a phone may have lasted just over a 24 month contract before the battery is done.

joeninetee -

Many thanks for this tutorial. Together we shall beat them!

joeninetee -

Thank you for a very nice and easy to follow tutorial!

I have now replaced my battery with what should be an original battery for the Huawei Ascend P8, battery nr: HB3447A9EBW. For some reason the width of the new battery is a few millimeters smaller than the old one, meaning that it does not fill out the space completely. Has anyone else experienced the same?

After having assembled the phone again I experience some weird issues with the battery level dropping from 50%, 60%, 70% or even 100% in an instant. I have tried calibrating the battery by, letting it die completely, recharge it to 100% let it drain completely again and recharge. I have tried different battery calibration apps and a factory reset - nothing helps.

I contacted the company I bought the battery from and got a replacement - still same issue.

Unfortunately i damaged the original battery when taking it out, so i cant use that as a reference.

Any suggestions would be most appreciated!

Kris -

Most likely you’ve got a fake battery… :( A telling thing can be if the serial does not match the one you can read from the QR code beside it. Only solution would be to get a genuine one. I can feel your pain.

Bence Szalai -

I have the same issue… I open the back cover and unplug the battery flex connector and then reconnect it again… it is OK for some time but when flex connector is loose again… I grtget the same problem… InIn my case… The battery bracket holding the plug tight is lost and hence connection losen after some time… I smam thing to cut a bracket from a Pepsi Cane…

stahseenjaved -

Great tutorial. Unfortunately the glue stripes were too sticky. Don’t know what Huawei intends to do with such strong stripes. After 30 minutes I could remove them step by step.

Samuel -

after replacing battery phone doesnt switch on only if charger pluged in does it show the hauwie logo then restart same thing again

Dale Olivier -