Press Home X. The hot end should move to the left towards the end stop. It will bump the end stop move to the right a few mm, than back left to the end stop and stop.
Measure the distance from the edge of the Top X Mount to the edge of the bearing block. Jog the hot end +10mm and re-measure. It should be 10mm larger.
Press Home Y. The hot end should move to the back towards the end stop. It will bump the end stop move to forward a few mm, than to the back to the end stop and stop.
Measure the distance from the edge of the rear corner to the edge of the bearing block. Jog the hot end -10mm and re-measure. It should be 10mm larger.
During bed leveling, you want the probe position to be at the center of the bed, not the nozzle. Once you have your X and Y coordinates calculated press Home Z
The probe(not the nozzle) will move to the center of the bed, Deploy the probe, raise the bed, stop once the probe is triggered, and lower the bed.
If your probe is slightly off center we need to correct it. Manually jog the hotend so the probe is in the center of the bed. Note the coordinates
Take the coordinates off the web page and replace them in homez.g and homeall.g
G1 X178.75 Y155.2 F10000 ; go to first probe point
Manually jog the hot end
When you jog +X it will move to the right
When you jog +Y it will move towards the back.