
If your Kenwood DNX571HD car stereo is having difficulties connecting to satellite radio, the antenna connection may be faulty. Replace it with this guide.

  1. HyuveScBljBsKYJO
    • Unscrew the four 3.5mm side screws with a Phillips #1 screwdriver.

    • There are two screws per side.

  2. ntBNVlhXMWS2bsJp
    • Use a spudger to unhook the plastic clips on the sides and top of the front panel. There are two clips on each side and one clip on the top.

    • Place the spudger between the plastic tab and the metal case and gently lift the spudger away from the case.

  3. P6b1hB35ToM4igPs
    • Pull the top of the front panel out and down to remove front panel.

    • Remove the front panel gently so as not to damage the ribbon cables behind it.

  4. gYwC6RPEoAQuX6x2
    • Unscrew the three 5mm screws from the top of the device using a Phillips #1 screwdriver.

    • Lift up to remove the top casing.

  5. YZ1qS1DjBNxZHIdB
    • Lift the CD drive carefully to expose the attached cable underneath.

  6. uAbqDKPf6q5TCTTk
    • Flip up the black clasp with a spudger to disconnect the large white ribbon cable connecting the CD drive to the board underneath.

  7. PebwKQ5vHkHZlyLr
    • Carefully unplug the fan power cord with the tweezers.

  8. 6MBoGVHwmM6JGTjs
    • Unscrew the three 5mm length screws with the Phillips #1 screwdriver.

    • Remove the metal plate

    • Removing the plate will damage the heat sink compound. This will need to be replaced during reassembly.

  9. mhXKVQMa3FxNty2Y
    • Unscrew the three 5.5mm long screws with a Phillips #1 screwdriver.

  10. KTlVTYxtLP4HtOp3
    • Remove the four 5.5mm screws with the Phillips #1 screwdriver.

  11. jI6hwGSThNDcZSXj
    • Lift the top part of the unit up from the lower chassis.

  12. ZofuTjv1Q4QwnbSa
    • Remove the two 13mm long screws with a Phillips #1 screwdriver.

    • Gently thread the power cable through the circuit boards to separate the fan from the body of the stereo.

  13. 4tmYaiSweYeVSKIg
    • Remove the four 5mm screws from the corners of the circuit board using a Phillips #1 screwdriver

    • Lift the circuit board from the rest of the assembly.

  14. 13ZXWslQMPln5nRC
    • Desolder the 12 leads to remove the connector from the circuit board.

    • There are ten leads in two parallel rows and two larger leads below them.

    • The satellite antenna is a thru-hole-mounted device. You must apply heat to each soldered pin individually and pull them out of the holes while the solder is molten.

    • The solder material, pins, and any surrounding material will get VERY hot while melting the connections. Do not touch any metal parts during the desoldering process and give the device time to cool off once you’re finished. It may also be good to take breaks so that the electronics aren’t kept hot for extended periods of time.


To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.

Wendy Zaballos

Mitglied seit: 17/09/18

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