With the vehicle parked on a flat surface, engage the parking brake
(If applicable) make sure your dash, or panel on the car says "Park" or "Brake"
As an extra safety measure, block the wheel on the opposite side from where you're lifting the car
If removing the wheel, break the nuts before lifting the car with a breaker bar and 22mm or 7/8" socket, or the provided lug wrench.
When lifting the car, DO NOT use a jack on the pinch welds. Instead, use the plate on the frame rails as shown.
When lifting with a jack and supporting with a jackstand:
Place the jack here
Place the jack stand here
I like to place towels or something else soft between the jack / stands and the car to protect the paint
Lift the car with the jack until you have the wheel a few inches off the ground. Then insert the jack stand and lower the car onto it.
When putting the wheel back on, get the lug nuts snug with the rear of the car in the air, then tighten to 100ft-lbs with the wheel on the ground.