The scroll wheel on this gaming mouse has holes in it that the optical sensor uses to detect when the wheel is turning. If dirt or other foreign material covers the sensor or the holes, the scroll wheel will stop working or may only work intermittently. This guide will demonstrate how to open the mouse and take the wheel assembly apart for cleaning.
Use a thin blade to peel up the corners and remove the mouse feet. They re-adhere very well, so be careful to not damage them or get the sticky side dirty.
Unscrew the three screws that are now visible.
Gently pull apart the top and bottom halves of the mouse. They will be connected by a wire.
Slide the scroll wheel up and out of the housing.
Take the scroll wheel assembly apart and clean off any obvious debris.
Look through each of the holes in the scroll wheel to check for debris that could be obstructing the optical sensor. Use a needle to clean out any obstructions.
Optional: If there is any material near the base of the mouse, under the scroll wheel, the sensor chip can be unscrewed and removed.
Use a gas duster to remove any remaining dust from inside the mouse.
Reassemble the scroll wheel.
If done correctly, the wheel should click while scrolling. The wheel should not spin freely.
Optional: Before reinserting the scroll wheel peg, apply lubricant if needed.
Slide the scroll wheel back down into its housing.
Make sure that the spring is aligned correctly.
Place the top half of the mouse back on to the bottom half and screw the mouse together.
Stick the mouse feet back on to their respective locations.
Plug the mouse back in to a computer and test for responsiveness. If the mouse wheel is clean but still does not function, contact Logitech support.
26 Kommentare
It worked! Thank you so much!
got my scroll wheel back from just being intermittent. nice guide for the best mouse ever made. All hail the mighty MX518, shotter of many heads, destroyer of Skyrim, Diablo I,II,III and lately bearer of the Witchers mighty blades. HAIL HAIL HAIL MX518!!!
My mouse went from scrolling just fine to nothing overnight. This helped a lot, but sadly its still not 100%. :(
Worked like a charm. Thanks. I really like this mouse and didn't want to have to get used to another one.