
Voraussetzung für das Logic Board


    • Schiebe den Stecker des iSight Kamerakabels mit der Spudgerspitze gerade aus seinem Anschluss auf dem Logic Board heraus.

    • Es empfiehlt sich, sorgfältig abwechselnd auf beiden Seiten des Steckers zu drücken, so dass er aus dem Anschluss "herauswandert".

    Bummer. It wasn’t clearly communicated how to separate this connector, and I accidentally pried the socket from the board. The connector slides out horizontally, so don’t pry up from the bottom.

    tom kositchek -

    Yes. That's a tricky little guy! I'm very lucky that I didn't break it! I couldn't figure out which direction to 'walk' it, but after reading the comments above it became more clear. When I first started trying to detach it I was trying to lift it up like all the previous connections. It was giving too much resistance, so I put the magnifying glass over the picture and then the connection. Back and forth I was looking. My hand slipped. I thought I broke it! But I saw that it had moved 'backwards' a bit. Then it became clear on which way to 'walk' it. It moves back in the direction of the cable it's connected to. It slides in like the newer fuses do in a car. A neat little learning experience! Thank you folks who add comments and to the people who put this directorial together.

    Charles Walton -

  2. AV3T1kwIyUmNZt4Y
    • Schiebe das iSight Kamerakabel zur Seite.


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Walter Galan

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