The Macintosh IIsi Uses a 50-Pin SCSI Drive, that doesn't need to be terminated while in single configuration.
Now lift these two clips, and slowly pivot the case up.
You can now seperate the top of the computer from the rest of the machine.
The Macintosh IIsi's hard drive is located ajacent to the ram and floppy drive.
Start by pushing these two tabs out, and lifting the drive up.
Then, flip the drive over, and remove the connection cables.
The hard drive: A Quantum ProDrive LPS, made in 1990, and surprisingly, it still works!
This drive has an 80MB capacity, not very large by today's standards, but not bad way back then...
Believe it or not, hard drive construction hasn't changed much in the last 20 years. Other than a few new interfaces, the form factor, 3.5" width and 4-Pin 12V/5V power connector has stayed the same.
To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.