Switch off the phone.
Remove the battery and any inserted SIM and memory cards.
Use a screwdriver Torx T6 and remove the 4x black screws.
There are several plastic locking clips hold the back cover to the frame.
Use a tool with a sharp edge to unlock them and a plastic tool to separate the back cover.
To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.
Ein Kommentar
كيف اقوم بفك الهاتف وفحص الخلل الذي يوجد فيه .اعني ان هاتفي لا يقبل العمل اظن انه محروق كيف افحصه ؟
How do I remove the phone and to inspect the defect in which the .ani there is a telephone that does not accept the work I think it's seared how it checked ?