Switch off the phone.
Remove the battery and any inserted SIM and memory cards.
Use a screwdriver Torx T6 and remove the 4x black screws.
There are several plastic locking clips hold the back cover to the frame.
Use a tool with a sharp edge to unlock them and a plastic tool to separate the back cover.
the touch screen flex cable
the LCD Display flex cable
Use a plastic tool lift up and remove the Logic board.
The Display metal shield is locked to the frame by 4x locking clips.
Use a tool with a sharp tip and careful unlock them and remove the shield.
The display is stuck tovthe touch screen glass with a double-sided adhesive tape.
Use a hair dryer or hot air gun and worm the glass to make adhesive soften.
To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.
2 Kommentare
كيف اقوم بفك الهاتف وفحص الخلل الذي يوجد فيه .اعني ان هاتفي لا يقبل العمل اظن انه محروق كيف افحصه ؟
How do I remove the phone and to inspect the defect in which the .ani there is a telephone that does not accept the work I think it's seared how it checked ?
I am pretty sure he didn’t use ifixit stuff to fix the screen, lmao