
Wenn ein Gewinde in Aluminium durch eine schief angesetzte Schraube ausgeschlagen ist, kannst du möglicherweise das Gewinde nachschneiden.

  1. BOWtyqfphNts4HeE
    • Stelle fest, welches das defekte Schraubenloch ist.

    • Stelle die Gewindegröße fest. Am einfachsten geht das mit den ursprünglichen Schrauben. Die meisten Schrauben sind rechtsdrehende metrische Normalgewinde und werden mit ... M4, M5, ... usw. bezeichnet.

    • Die Zahl gibt dabei den Durchmesser in mm an.

    • Neben den Standardgewinden gibt es noch andere, insbesondere in Zollmaßen und Drehrichtung. Es gibt Unterschiede in der Anzahl der Windungen pro Zentimeter und dem Flankenwinkel. Nur wenn du Pech hast, wirst du auf solche Gewinde stoßen.

    • Wähle den geeigneten Gewindebohrer.

    • Gewindebohrer sind scharf. Fasse sie nicht an der Zahnung an.

    • Spanne ihn in den Handgriff ("Windeisen", siehe Foto) ein.

    Some steps/ bullets have periods when others don't.

    Iridian Vaca -

    Other than what I listed above, everything else looks good!

    Iridian Vaca -

    Reword the bullet addressing the attire necessary to wear for the fix.

    Iridian Vaca -

  2. HST2BoZMdbmF2Bbw
    • Richte den Gewindebohrer mit Windeisen zentral am defekten Schraubloch aus.

    • Drehe den Bohrer langsam ein, normalerweise im Uhrzeigersinn.

    • Wenn du tatsächlich ein Linksgewinde vor dir hast, musst du natürlich gegen den Uhrzeigersinn drehen. (Und einen entsprechenden Gewindebohrer verwenden).

    Wouldn’t you need a left handed tap for left hand screws?

    Taylor Bolding -

  3. xQvnVdxMoYFm2oKa
    • Drehe den Bohrer erst zwei ganze Umdrehungen vorwärts, dann eine Viertel-Umdrehung wieder zurück.

    • Wiederhole den vorigen Schritt so lange, bis sich der Gewindebohrer nicht mehr leicht eindrehen lässt.

    • Drehe den Bohrer zurück, bis du ihn entfernen kannst.


Prüfe mit einer passenden Schraube, ob dein frisch nachgeschnittenes Gewinde gut hält.

Kevin Tremaine

Mitglied seit: 09/04/15

247 Reputation

8 Kommentare

If the hole is truly stripped then the technique in this guide won't work because the hole would then be larger than it was originally and the tap won't bite into the metal and therefore not cut any new threads. So then there are two options:


1. Choose the next larger size bolt and drill and re-tap the hole to fit that larger size. Or if you really must use the same size bolt then:


2. Use a helical insert (aka "Helicoil") which is a coil of hardened steel wire that forms both a outer and inner thread.


I used option #2 to fix a stripped hole in a bicycle shock absorber. I bought the Helicoil kit sized for my bolt from a automotive supply store. The kit came with the drill bit and tap sized for the outside threads of the coil. I drilled the hole, tapped the threads, then threaded the coil into the hole. The inside diameter of the coil was sized to fit the original bolt.

Don Barthel -

Don is correct that tapping the hole as it exists won't really work and offered some viable solutions. However, if there isn't enough material for a Helicoil to bite into it won't work either on a through hole and sometimes using a larger bolt isn't an option either. In such cases you can add some filler to your existing hole. JB Weld can work as a filler for aluminum. If you apply a thin enough coating, you can tap the hole after it cures without drilling - then use a Helicoil for strength. Option 2 would be to use an aluminum filler rod and a MIG welder to fill, then drill and tap the hole.

ABCellars -

Another option, is to drill and tap a larger hole and drive a threaded rod into the hole, grind both sides off flat, then drill a hole into where the threads mesh and lock the two together with a locking pin, then re-drill and tap a hole to match the original. Its more convoluted, but it’ll work if a helicoil won’t work, and the replacement would be very strong.

Gaisa Sanktejo -

(Added info) In my case, I had an m7 hole that stripped out, I had some m12 threaded rod, so I drilled and tapped an m12 hole, drove and locked the m12 rod in place and as mentioned above, ground both sides flat. I then drilled and tapped a new m7 hole. It worked perfectly! :)

Gaisa Sanktejo -

Despite what this article says, you can't turn a right hand tap counter clockwise to make a left hand thread. You have to buy a left hand thread tap.

Paul P -

The comments were very educational. The article was not.

Jay Berkshire -

I'm in the same tight spot. Someone "OLDER" (My 89 year old Step Dad) tried to fix it First, and the hole is off center. I'm going redrill it straight vertical if possible, slowly..., using a vertical mill drill, and try to fix it. Then use an 12MM Heli coil. Wish me luck, they don't make these heads anymore !! I'm scared to death but at 74 years old and 50 years an aircraft mechanic I've done seen just about everything, (except I've never seen an Elephant fly) and I'm Going to do or ???.

I've been blessed with 20/20 eye sight until 6 months ago and its pretty scary, but !&&*, I fly Airplanes, Sea Planes Gliders, I tow Gliders with nit wits at the other end of that line 200 feet away, I fly Helicopters, I fly milk crates, (Thats not so true but its funny, old Tri Pacers) and I'm still here.

A quick prayer, a long, careful, tight, setup and hope the new drill will take the meat off evenly. If successful I'll be back to brag. If not, well you know.

Dennis Dixon


Pilotdennis@yahoo.com -

Can somebody identify the tool to buy. Looks like the link above does not work. Thanks Jim W.

Jim W. -