
Diese Anleitung zeigt, wie du bei der Samsung Galaxy Watch einen Neustart erzwingen kannst.

  1. koE6GbfjM2fsecBC
    • Halte die untere Taste mindestens sieben Sekunden lang gedrückt.

    • Wenn du siehst, dass die Uhr neu startet, kannst du die Taste loslassen.

    My smart watch got problem with cant power on

    kok chua -

    me too. I have charged and tried to restart by power button down but hasn't come back on. Any other ideas?

    PJ Cav -

    Hola, si mantenéis pulsado el botón de encendido hasta que salga rebooting. En ese momento pulsar repetidamente el botón de encendido hasta que salga la opción de recovery y pulsais nuevamente el boton de encendido 1 o 2 segundos para seleccionarlo.

    Fernando Rivero -

Tobias Isakeit

Mitglied seit: 31/03/14

108055 Reputation

9 Kommentare

If I have done the hold button 7 seconds & it still dont come on then what?

Tracy L -

That's what I want to know also

paullawrence657 -

Me too. My watch won't come on either.

Sheri Hall Lee -

I suppose all commenters above have tried to charge the watch over night to make sure the battery is not completely depleted.

You could try and restart WHILE it is charging or even just placed on the charger without being plugged into the wall.

Tobias Isakeit -

I dropped my watch off the counter and it's just keeps showing rebooting it won't let me restart watch or activate it from my phone.

Bailey Nasuta -

Did you check if maybe the button is stuck and forces it to restart?

Tobias Isakeit -

Thanks very much!

Judith Durkin -

I've tried multiple rebooting techniques and none have worked, I also went into galaxy wearable app on phone to reset but it won't let me into general settings to do reset, the app also tells me it's not connected but how am I to connect if it don't turn on?


im having the exact same issues, nothing is working

Vince Blagdon -