
This guide describes how to replace the LCD display and / or the rear control board

  1. LknRtR5BHIaO4Jto
    • For safety reasons take off the batterie during disassembling the camera.

    Mark all of the Screws and the position, when you dissasembling the camera. There are a lot of different lenght of it.

    Emanuela Cicala -

  2. UwU4wtufeE6KrbOS
    • Remove three phillips screws, 2 short screws (red) and the longer one (yellow)

    • The S 8000 is held together by screws which come in several sizes. Make sure to keep your screws organized so that you don´t lose or misplace them!

  3. tAPwRGOJ4cRXgNXk
    • On the right side (where the HDMI slot is located) remove two short (red) and one longer screw (yellow).

    • Now the two covers can be removed.

    • Be carefull while pushing the sensitive slim cover (green) downwards.

  4. DYdhGh6xyLC1qVcd
    • Remove two screws and take off the bracket (red).

    • The (yellow) screw holds the black rear metal frame and has to be removed.

  5. kdyCPPpPexRNKwJN
    • Remove the two screws on the left side of the camera, take off the side panel.

    • Now you will see three different screws which holds different parts of the camera. All three screws have to be removed.

  6. m4ShjQpuxy4iwnsi
    • The next steps describes the removal of the black metal frame.

    • Be careful, do not touch the open contacts on the left side (pink)! You will be surprised by a "wake-up" electrical shock even 15 minutes after turning off the camera. The flash-condenser still holds enough energy!

    • Start on the right side of the camera. There is a small black plastic clip (yellow) which has to be lifted up a little bit. Slowly and carefully begin to separate the rear metal frame from the camera body.

    • A critical part is the very slim plastic cover on top (green). The red marker will show you in which direction you have to move this sensitive plastic part.

    In my version of the S8000, the frame (green) is fixed to the front frame, so I would have almost broke it down. I was following the description bevor i understood. In my version it is one part, you can remove it completely.

    Be careful here!

    By the way, thanks to the Author

    Realy good Work

    Emanuela Cicala -

    Sorry, i meant the back frame ( LCD-side) you do not have to remove the front frame (Optic-side) to change the LCD!

    Emanuela Cicala -

    • Taking off the control panel is not that easy: The panel has two small metal clips at the bottom and one on the top which holds the panel in position. Slightly move the control panel to the top for release.

    • Pull the flat cable out of its socket and remove the control panel.

    In my version of the S8000 you do not have to pull out the flat Cable of the CT just let it hang on it. Only take the two LCD connection FC's away and set in the replacement.

    Emanuela Cicala -

  8. UrWYPqHag3xyVGNn
    • The LCD display is only laying on the grey insulation foil and has its grounding connection by the yellow marked cupper spring.

    • The display has two flat cables connected to the mother board. You have to pull out these cables.

    • You´re done!

    One remark from Timo Kunberger might be helpfull:

    The little clamping mechanism that should be opened before pushing the flat cables back into the connectors on the motherboard. Without doing that, the cable does not slip in far enough and as a result the display stays dark.

    Manfred Wachtel -


To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.

Manfred Wachtel

Mitglied seit: 08/07/12

363 Reputation

3 Kommentare

Nice work, thank you

Emanuela Cicala -

I had a big black area on the screen and replaced it with a new one. I did exactly what was described here, but now the new display just stays dark, like it would not get any power. Rest of the cam still works fine. The copper clamp is there to give the display grounding connection. Then put in the old display again and that one now also stays black. Any idea what I could do or check?

Timo Kunberger -

Found the solution… the little clamping mechanism that should be opened before pushing the flat cables back into the connectors on the motherboard. Without doing that, the cable does not slip in far enough and as a result the display stays dark. Maybe worth an update? Thanks!

Timo Kunberger -