This guide shows you how to remove the charge port so that you can be sure it is functional or replace it.
Depress the button with your finger.
While the button is depressed, slide the back cover off of the phone.
Grasp the top and bottom of the front cover.
Grasp the phone body with your other hand.
Lightly pull the casing off of the phone.
Locate the six star-shaped screws on the phone.
Remove these screws using the screwdriver.
Grab the top and bottom of the phone casing.
Carefully pull the motherboard apart from the bottom casing.
The circuit board should be divided into two parts.
Grab the top and bottom of the remaining casing.
Carefully pull apart the casing from the circuit board.
The circuit board should be divided into three parts, completely separate from the back casing, as shown.
Hold back of phone in hand so that hand is not covering any parts.
Grasp charge port with thumb.
Pull out with hand.
To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.