The battery is held down with adhesive and is soldered into the motherboard, so it will be hard to remove. Switching steps 3 & 4 may make the repair easier for some.Take your time with this repair and prepare to be frustrated.
Use a Heat Gun to loosen the adhesive under the backing of the device.
Use prying tools to lift up the back of the device to get underneath.
Unlock all of the ribbons that cross or interfere with the battery.
Remove the unlocked ribbons if you can- this will make it easier to work with the battery later.
Use plastic prying tools to peel up the battery. Metal prying tools may puncture the battery and cause more damage. If you MUST use metal prying tools, go slow.
Desolder battery and wires from Motherboard HERE!
Once the wires are free, so is the battery. You should be able to replace the battery and its wires in full (as a package deal).
To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.