
Der Akku ist mit Kleber in der Kamera befestigt.

Deswegen könnte es sein, dass du Kraft anwenden musst, um sie zu entfernen. Allerdings solltest du ihn nur mit den Fingern ausbauen können.

  1. 4vYcVUfdLrHGsPZv
    • Öffne die Klappe des Papierfachs deiner Kamera und entferne die Schrauben am oberen und unteren Rand im Inneren der Kamera.

    • Schraubenkopf: Kreuzschlitz, Schraubenlänge: 3mm

  2. 6GV2XLRjFoQ13kIZ
    • Schieben Sie die Rückwand von der kurzen Seite, die den soeben entfernten Schrauben am nächsten liegt, in Richtung der anderen kurzen Seite der Kamera. Sie sollte nach vorne gleiten und die Clips lösen, die sie festhalten.

    • Dann sollte es einfach sein, die Rückwand anzuheben und sie zu entfernen.

  3. DlfEMWgQ12nbUbbL
    • Suchen und entfernen Sie die vier Schrauben an den Ecken der Kamera. Sie sind recht klein und lassen sich möglicherweise nur schwer entfernen.

    • Schraubenkopf: Philips, Schraubenlänge: 5mm

  4. rTB3pCWaSacEquPL
    • Sobald die Schrauben entfernt sind, drehen Sie die Kamera um.

    • Lösen Sie die sechs Clips mit einem Kunststofföffnungswerkzeug, bis die Frontplatte sicher entfernt werden kann.

  5. VeEoHYiJTwqT2FwU
    • Die Interna der Kamera sollten nun für Sie zugänglich sein

  6. hTRbWuDLQ3Sps1WO
    • Zwei Schaumstoffstreifen und Kleber befestigen den Akku an der Kamera.

  7. JXCG52GYfK4wS4LD
    • Fange an, den Akku in der linken Ecke anzuheben.

    • Wenn das nicht mit deinen Händen geht, kannst du ein Öffnungswerkzeug aus Kunststoff verwenden.

    Dove si trova una batteria uguale da sostituire?

    babydafne -

  8. qYWFbk2gELME2XIS
    • Mit deinen Fingern kannst den Stecker mit den fünf Stiften von der Kamera abtrennen.


Um dein Gerät wieder zusammenzubauen, musst du die Anleitung wieder in umgekehrter Reihenfolge durchführen.

Ian Colantuoni

Mitglied seit: 09/02/16

571 Reputation

21 Kommentare

Thank you so much for showing me how to do this. FYI: For the digital LCD screen version of this camera, there is only one screw to take out on that first step.

Can you tell me where I can buy the replacement battery for this camera? Thanks.

Tommy Li -

I would like to know where to buy it too.

Giorgina Nardi -

Same question need to know where to purchase a new battery and is this a common issue for the snap touch

Anita Guzman -

I also need a battery and it seems almost impossible to find one to buy. Please let me know if anybody has found a replacement battery that fits.

Jaco Botha -

Has anyone managed to find where to buy a replacement battery?

ajm.smith -

I also have the same problem as yall. Managed to find the battery spec on the battery

Fuji Electronics 7.4V, 1,100mAh, 8.14Wh Li-Polymer Battery

I still cannot find the battery itself for sale. It's very frustrating

mikey11onelove -

I have the same issue bad battery. I took the battery pack out and it is actually 2 battery’s taped together. The Specs are 3.7v 1100 mAh 4.07Wh each. Battery size is 4.5mm thick 35mm wide 62mm long which equals out to this part number (453562). I found a some batteries on eBay that are 402863 and ordered them. I will solder them to the original circuit board when they arrive and let you know if they work. If so I may make some battery packs since apparently nobody has them.

Nathan Carlson -

Nathan Carlson…thanks for that info! Will take the same tack…how did it go for you? Was it easy enough to bundle them and solder the 5 pin connector in place? Thanks. Like the others…I can't seem to locate a bundled 7.4 replacement.

Chris Queen -

Any followup reports or battery substitutes? NAthan Carlson, did you make the Ebay batteries work? did you order more and make battey packs for the Polaroid Snap?


laryball -

hi. i just purchased a snap touch and left it charging whole night. and when i woke up it was just 7%. tried charging it again and it will show up 28% then when i turned it on it became 5%. is this normal? or should i ask them to replace it? camera is with me for less than 24hrs only

leira perez -

since its a brand new device I would return and exchange..

Alexis Gregg -

Incomplete artical a… were is the Battery model p06309 (p653040) how sale it….is a mistery

fernando_montalto -

Unfortunately Polaroid refuse to sell the reacement battery, for this or for the related Polaroid Zip printer. Basically for the sake of a £5 battery they force you to scrap a £100+ device. Disgraceful

Andy Williams -

Après pas mal de recherches, je n’ai pas trouvé cette batterie neuve… si quelqu’un a trouvé une solution ça aurait été très corporate de me faire un petit mail.

if someone find a solution about this battery, please leave me a mail benoit(at)antiloo.fr


Antiloo Oti -

Recién he comprado una cámara en el 2021, tenia ese problema, efectivamente es la batería. Debes sacarla y estimularla con un cargador 5v o con una batería de 9v cuadrada (solo segundos en este caso). En YouTube hay varios tutoriales de como recuperar baterías de litio agotadas.

jose rodrigues -

I found a place online called Batteries Global that sells this battery. I think it was about $27 dollars.

Jeffrey Adair -

Do you remeber the product number?

Luke Cross -

Or just the name of the one you purchased? Did it work? Did you have to change the wiring?

Luke Cross -

Jeffrey Adair, what is the porduct number?

Luke Cross -

I have this Polaroid Snap Touch which the battery is still good condition but one time I used and drained the battery low. Then I forgot to charge it and store it for a long time like months. I tried to charge it after maybe 3 months left it plugged in for like a day, but no charge at all. IF you have this kind of situation then go to youtube and watch this guy revived the battery with a 9V battery. After watching this video and tried it. Alas the battery is now again charging. Do this if only you have a battery that is still good but not waking up to charge. This is the link.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I5UJcP4H...

John Arko -

For those in need of new replacement battery, I found them on ebay. Did not order any though, Try it at your own risk! I'm not affiliated with any of them . https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R4...

John Arko -