Before beginning this repair guide, be sure to unplug the charger from the computer and handle the battery with care. Avoid using sharp metal objects around the battery when ever possible. After finishing this guide you should notice a considerable battery life extension to your computer after being unplugged.
Flip the laptop over with the screen facing down to reveal the bottom panel.
Unscrew each of the highlighted screws with a Phillips #0 screwdriver.
Use a metal spudger to remove fitting and reveal the screw.
Use a screwdriver with a Torx T7 bit to remove the screw.
The SD Card slot is on the top right corner of the device near the headphone jacks.
Depress the fake SD Card and release.
Pull the fake SD Card out and remove it completely from the slot, as this will help in the removal of the backplate.
Lift the back plate starting at the opposing edge to the SD card. Lift from left to right and continue lifting this plate at this angle until it's free from the laptop.
Once the backplate is completely off, this will reveal the inside components of the device.
Remove six 5mm screws holding down the battery using a Phillips PH0 screwdriver.
Lift the battery and separate from its place holder.
Using the nylon spudger, disconnect the white plugin.
Once the wire has been disconnected you may remove the battery.
To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.
Ein Kommentar
can we still run it without battery? i mean using direct power supply and no battery install