Locate the large button on the top of the device.
Push down on the button and slide the cover away from the button.
Under the battery is a magnetic mat, shown in red, that shields battery interference with the reception of the XM Satellite antenna.
This mat is stuck to the back of the device like a sticker and can be removed.
On the bottom left side of the magnetic mat, the corner can be lifted up to reveal the U.FL antenna connector. A spudger or your fingernails can be used to pry up the corners.
These U.FL antenna connections are standard for most portable devices and WiFi cards. They may become detached through use and may be checked if no reception is present.
Lift up the corner and notice the two connectors going to the PCB.
Both of these connectors must be firmly attached to the PCB. Try pressing them firmly to make sure they are making full contact.
On the top right corner, the magnetic mat can be lifted up to check another U.FL connector as with the 3rd step.
This mat can be pressed down again to secure after checking the connector.
Try pressing down on the U.FL connector, as seen in this picture, to ensure a secure connection.
To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.