"Beam style" wipers from major vendors are not refillable.... unless you use pliers. Here are instructions for refilling rather than disposing of such wipers.
You'll need pliers and a flat blade screwdriver for this operation. The typical beam style wiper is held by two metal ribs held stiff with plastic end caps. Pictured here is a Vaelo R-13B rear wiper.
Squeeze the metal ribs just before the end caps, then pull off the end caps. If they won't go, then tear out the old rubber first to loosen things up, and try again.
Stop removing parts as soon as you can slide the rubber out: it may take just one end cap.
Examine the end of the rubber wiper: this is what you'll have to match. Unfortunately no guide will help you directly, but many beam wipers seem to use a completely standard rubber pattern. In the example pictured a refill from PIAA worked just fine.
Cut the new refill to length, if needed.
Use the topmost set of slots in the refill (farthest from the wiping edge). Slide this into the two rails.
Clip the end cap back on to finish the job. Congratulate yourself on a cost efficient and environmentally correct replacement job.
To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.
5 Kommentare
Does anyone remember prior to about the 1990’s when windshield wipers lasted more than 6 months. Now they are designed to fall apart in 6 mo to a year. I’m wondering if there is a business here for certain products. I get tired of having to change wipers , toilet plungers, and a whole array of things that are designed to fail on a yearly basis. I would pay more money for a product that I can set and forget and leave my spare time for fishing instead of fixing things all the time.
If you have the old style it should be pretty easy. The beam style is a bit trickier but doable. There's a rubber outer sleeve on each side of the main attachment in the middle. first remove that. There's an end cap piece at each end. remove one of those. there will be two flat metal sections that run the whole length that hold the rubber blade in place and the main attachment in the middle. You have to remove that main attachment in the middle. You may need pliars to do it or it might be able to slide off. Once it's all apart reassemble with the new rubber blade. The first time through it will take some time and patience but I've done it twice now and each time it gets easier as I know the way. I got it down to about 10 minutes each wiper but I some of them I know are probably a lot more difficult. Mine is for a 2017 VW Gti. My Camaro has the old style and are so much easier to change out the rubber blades.
@Picasso57 Yessir, wipers are definitely a racket now. But we’ll figure out a way to defeat them! ;) Replaceing inserts that were never meant to be replaced is a start. Now if we could only find silicone inserts.