If you are having difficulty connecting you Samsung BD-E5400 to Wi-Fi, a likely culprit could be a faulty wireless card that needs replaced. This guide will show you how to replace your wireless card so you can get back to binge-watching your favorite shows!
Remove the two 10mm Phillips #1 screws.
Remove the one 8 mm Phillips #1 screw.
Carefully lift up the cover and lay back, to ensure that you do not damage the attached cable.
Unplug the small wiring bundle attaching the body of the device to the cover.
Lay the cover aside.
The Wi-Fi card is the light blue component circled in red.
Separate the body of the Wi-Fi card from the black plastic cover.
Unplug the wires of the Wi-Fi card from the motherboard.
To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.
Ein Kommentar
I replaced my wifi card now none of the apps are working. I tried factory reset, and updating firmware nothing. Any ideas to get past this?