Using this guide, you can successfully replace the power button on your Galaxy SIII Mini VE.
Flip your phone so you are facing the back.
Locate the notch at the top and gently use your finger or an opening tool to remove the rear casing.
Use the Phillips #000 Screwdriver to remove the 10, 4mm screws holding the plastic frame in place.
Unhook the two electrical connections at the bottom of the phone using your fingernail or a spudger.
Next, use the spudger and tweezers to remove the speaker at the top of the phone.
Once the 3 components have detached, the circuit board should release from the phone except for 1 connection on the underside.
Detach this connection using the spudger.
The power button is connected by two plastic posts, simply lift the button away from the phone using your fingers.
To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.