
To remove the battery in the Samsung Rant, you must first remove the back cover. Then the battery will be accessible for removal.

    • Turn the phone over in the palm of your hand, with the screen facing down.

    • While grasping the bottom part of the phone with one hand, use your thumb to push the release button at the end of the phone.

    • This will release the back plate latch; then lift the back plate up and out toward the other end of the phone.

    • You should now be able to lift the plate completely off of the phone.

  2. HD6jy3j6UeYxSGHN
    • Carefully remove the battery from the phone.


To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.

*New Battery information: Standard Lithium Ion (Li-Ion); Talk time: 5.6 hours max. (336 minutes)


Mitglied seit: 18/10/11

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*New batteries need to be charged before use.

*You should charge your battery in an area that is free of moisture, extreme cold or extreme heat.

*Refer to the repair manual (Samsung Rant Device page above) for information on purchasing a battery and battery life.

Denise Cooper -